brief morning linkage

Aug 04, 2007 10:01

Today is not the day I wanted to wake up with a migraine. Not on, brain. Not on. Perhaps my fannish love has grown so large that my head is going to explode?

A few quick things, though, before I go back to bed.

Someone left a comment saying that Insanejournal is owned by SixApart. I have been unable to verify this, though I spent all of two minutes trying. The whois information on the sites is completely different; LJ clearly states it's owned by 6A, whereas IJ is owned by Jason Vervlied. Google tells me he's a unix dude down in Florida. So I don't know if this is a rumor that needs quashing or if we should look into it more or what. But that's what I've got this morning. If it's true, then obviously we don't want to be migrating to IJ.

fanthropology has a post with some ideas about short-term solutions for staying in touch and making it easier for people to find you. To that end, beyond_lj has been set up so that you can leave your LJ username and any new usernames you're using with other services.

Collapsing now. More later. Love.


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