Frank's shelter did get built, after the card game and the rain shower. Since that was done Frank had time to wander about. He was never one for sitting still, even injured, just ask Ramsey. Frank caught sight of Methos making leis and headed over, out of curiousity if nothing else. As Frank drew close he was able to get a better look at what Methos was drinking and a brow shot up, "Tell me that's something alcoholic. Tell me you have more and I'll love you forever." OKay that may not be motivation for Methos, but Frank had to say it.
Methos was working on his second, or was it his third, lei when one of the new arrivals in camp started in his direction. He stopped his work with the flowers, not entirely sure how good a job he'd done so far anyway, and watched, was it Frank, draw closer. Methos grinned at the man's reaction when he noticed what he was drinking, nodding sagaciously, "Alcoholic, more on hand, and locally brewed when this supply is tapped out."
He reached back into his hut for another cup, and poured the man a drink, "I'm still refining the brewing process, but it won't make you blind or dead. It's sweet, being made from honey, but definitely alcoholic."
Methos held the cup up to Frank, "You realize forever is a very long time?"
Frank took the offered drink with a grin, "Well not being blind or dead is a good thing. I'll take my chances on anything else though I wouldn't mind drunk." It's been a tough day for Frank though he's sure it's been tougher for the others. He lowers himself down on the ground slowly, trying to suppress a groan as his body protested the movement.
Frank took a long drink from the mug in hand, "Sweet, but not too bad. If I can help with brewing let me know. If nothing else I'm more then happy to play guinea pig. I'm used to it." There is no real bitterness at that, it's just a fact of Frank's life and he's used to it by now.
The last comment caused Frank's brow to raise, "Yeah, forever is a long time. I stopped keeping track of time personally. It began to hurt my head after a while. Of course I don't think I have to worry about forever since I'll probably never live to old age even, but there you go." Once again there isn't any bitterness to Frank. He's accepted his life.
Methos smiled when Frank took the offered drink. While he didn't mind drinking alone, he appreciated that it wasn't long after the invention of beer places to drink it with company started to crop up. Methos nodded, "You don't get a lot of repeat customers when your brew leaves them blind or dead. I was hoping to get some leis for the luau made before I achieved drunk, but if I wanted to stay sober I wouldn't be drinking an alcoholic beverage
( ... )
Comments 18
He reached back into his hut for another cup, and poured the man a drink, "I'm still refining the brewing process, but it won't make you blind or dead. It's sweet, being made from honey, but definitely alcoholic."
Methos held the cup up to Frank, "You realize forever is a very long time?"
Frank took a long drink from the mug in hand, "Sweet, but not too bad. If I can help with brewing let me know. If nothing else I'm more then happy to play guinea pig. I'm used to it." There is no real bitterness at that, it's just a fact of Frank's life and he's used to it by now.
The last comment caused Frank's brow to raise, "Yeah, forever is a long time. I stopped keeping track of time personally. It began to hurt my head after a while. Of course I don't think I have to worry about forever since I'll probably never live to old age even, but there you go." Once again there isn't any bitterness to Frank. He's accepted his life.
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