Here are this year’s posting rules:
1. Limericks must be related to one of the following Whedonverse creations Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Fray, or Firefly/Serenity. (I am excluding X-Men because they are not Whedon's original characters/universe.)
2. Crossover, Real People: Crossing the lines between the above-mentioned shows is okay, no other crossovers. Limericks using the cast & crew are okay, also. If you write about real people, please be kind. No derogatory or smutty stuff with real people.
3. Smut or Slash: Smut and slash is fine, but please remember that we like Gen limericks, too.
4. Spoiler Warnings: If your limerick includes any spoilers for any episodes, please include a spoiler warning in the subject line. If your limerick is completely spoiler free, feel free to let us know that, too. See submission format.
5. Limericks must be limericks (5 lines) and follow an AABBA rhyme scheme. You do not have to follow proper scansion. (For more information on how to write a limerick, please see
this article at
Submission Format
Each limerick should be posted in a separate comment. If you are submitting an epic (a story told through several limericks), that can be posted in one comment (or in one comment thread).
Each limerick should include the following information in the Subject Line:
Show: BtVS, AtS, Fray, FF
Universe: Crossover, RP (Real Person)
Category: Gen, Smut (het and masturbation falls under Smut), or Slash (we assume slash is probably also smut)
Spoilers: No Spoilers or Spoilers for [insert episode title or season]
Your entry should look like this (limerick by
theemdash, won Buffiest Limerick 3rd Place 2004):
Subject: BtVS, Gen, No Spoilers
You may all think I’m a bit loopy
But I’m the biggest Xander groupie
In speedos he’s hot
He’s funny a lot
And he’s cutest when dancing like Snoopy.
All limericks must be posted as replies to this post.
I Win!
Just like last time, there will be voting and awards.
Awards will be given in the following categories:
Dirtiest Limerick
Slashiest Limerick
Cleaniest Limerick [sic]
Funniest Limerick
Buffiest Limerick
Angeliest Limerick
Firefliest Limerick
Most Interesting Rhyme
More categories will be added as necessary. For example, if there are 6 poems about Xander doing the Snoopy Dance, I might put up voting for Snoopiest Limerick.
Limericks should be submitted starting now! Submit your limericks until April 15. Sometime on April 16th, nominations will go up (rules for nominating will be posted then). Nominations will remain open until April 19th. Voting will go up on April 20th and remain open until April 26th. Winners will be posted sometime between April 27th and April 30th.
To recap-
Today: post limericks; limericks are accepted until April 15
Sunday, April 16: Nominate limericks
Thursday, April 20: Vote for limericks
Monday, April 30: See who won
We don’t own Buffy, Angel, Fray or Firefly, we’re just playing.
Some limericks may deal with sex or same-sex couplings. You've been warned.
Questions? Please direct all questions to
this post.