
Mar 20, 2011 10:48

There is a game I want to play in. It's a multi-crime drama-fandom game. Well, crime drama, medical drama. It could have canon and OC spies and FBI and cops and CSIs and Doctors and Lawyers and Firemen and Tech Geeks and maybe even some 'works at the coffee shop' characters. Basically anyone who could justify being tied into those types of plot ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

skipthedemon March 20 2011, 15:25:19 UTC
Yeah, I recently had the 'I can play with other people' epiphany hard. I'm in one cracky game I'm really enjoying, although it's small, have an app in for another I'm waiting to get feedback for, and I'm nominally in a game on Dreamwidth. But I think I'm dropping that last one.


fandom_me March 20 2011, 15:26:20 UTC
It's kind of an interesting epiphany.


skipthedemon March 20 2011, 15:28:22 UTC
Heh, well I'd been doing some random one on one AU stuff with someone and he's like "Come play with meeee!" Knowing someone in a game helps a lot.


fandom_me March 20 2011, 15:28:51 UTC
Yes, yes it does.


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fandom_me March 20 2011, 17:57:26 UTC
Yeah, pretty much. Then you get stuck with chars and no where to vent them.

(And thank god for my core group and their willingness to indulge me with personal story lines)


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fandom_me March 20 2011, 18:00:13 UTC
It is damn hard, for sure. I'm kind of momentarily happy with the silly huge sws game for distraction and, um, you for the story that needs out of my head.


moon_blitz March 20 2011, 20:13:10 UTC
That game sound really interesting! I'm in a semi-active Digimon RP at the moment, and the main spot where I RP has been down for a while, and looks to be down for a while yet. But if that game starts up, I will check it out.


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