Fandom Radio, Wednesday 1/6/10

Jan 06, 2010 23:39

Hello! Hellooo! Hellooooo!

Yes, boys and girls. It's that time of year again. The time where we dance like puppets for your amusement in the hopes that you'll like us enough to let us put ourselves through hell on a weekly basis to give you news. Do you love me? Do you?

...or are you out cutting a switch?

Not cool. Those trees need them. Buy one from, okay?


Mooooving right along. DADA had their first class today and--you know what? Maybe we should make this a liver-destroying drinking game. When I say people introduced themselves... take a shot. Got it? Gooood.

Anyway, they got some neato vocab lesson and then some introductions. Drink. Sirius and his hetero-lifemate Remus were there for questions, of course. Billy Zane's class on Romance met and, after he ripped off some love songs, got their introduction on. Driiiink. After class, Kennedy gave Billy Zane a list of lesbian movies. Mmmm. I approve. Billy Zane--send that list on by my office.

History of Medicine--snooooze--met and looked over the syllabus before introducing themselves. Drink again! After class, Claire was given the magical spot of TA. Ooooo! Ahhhh! Magic for Dummies aaaalso met and--here's a shocker--did some looking at the syllabus and introduced themselves! Paige was all up that that hizzy for questions.

Ziva was over, opening up the Study Hall where Leda fell asleep. No, you do that in class. In class. Muuuulaaaaaaan and Maybe-Hawkeye-Clone were there for third period and he offered to help her with something. Probably making out. Let's go with making out. Aaaaand Non-Mullet Jack was there to study languages.

The Emoest Giant opened up the library today and it was just freakin' packed with people. Why? Maybe there are nudey magazines there. I don't know, people. Claire was by to bring him coffee and talk about classes. And introducing themselves. DRINK! Raven also happened by to talk about Andy and then the squirrel saw something shiny. Weirdos. Chuck Bass stopped by to say all the Jedi want to kill him and that he'd never been on a second date. So... I guess he should try that? Gunn was by to research Fandom's weirdness and Emo Giant offered to help. By being emo. Get a haircut! Henry stopped by to hear again aaaall about the trouble with keeping a librarian here. It's a curse. I blame that Snape guy.

Oh, and Henry was around to gab at. Kate stopped by Mitchell's office and there was something about Miley Cyrus and them leaving. Which is the sane response. She's just gonna end up like LiLo and we all know it, people. Loki was at his office, but not working. I approve. Everyone's favorite MILF had office hours and a visit from Chuck to talk about missing finals and a call from Cameron. Maybe Fry. I dunno.


...Ben, you're just lucky that you're not a baby kisser. So freakin' lucky. I see these notes here and they're all on your head.

Jaina had a business call while hungover, which is probably because she did her own drinking game last night. Jacob brought Bod donuts and they talked about the island. In a heterosexual way. I just think they're lounging around shirtless like Abercrombie models. Alex was busy sexting his girlfriend who lives in Canada. Maybe-Hawkeye-Clone and Tweety talked about... stuff. Breathing in space stuff. Aaaaand Kennedy isn't calling people. Or something like that.

Ben, the bastard that he is, decided to watch TV in the 2nd floor common room. He and Zayne come to the chilling truth that AMV isn't funny. At all. Well, unless you like watching people lose the ability to father children. Which I so do. Jaina came in and got told that her mom datin' people is gross. Wow. Talk to Nate about that one. Start a club! She goes on to declare that shots are all part of a Sith plot, but they won't tell anyone because people would be pissed if Zayne's masters tried to destroy the bar. Hurley stopped by about hot peppers and Ben and him started to talk about Jedi. Kaaaaay.

Jaina had to check if he was gonna eat the chiles and apparently that's the plan. Nacho style. Zayne smugged his smug ass off at Hurley about how his week was over now. Bastard. Menolly showed up to learn what a TV was. Like you do when you're from the Stone Age. She and Jaina talk about being Ghanima's TAs as Ben explains the wonder of TV and learns what a harper is where she's from. Is it dirty? It's probably dirty. Hurley was distracted by Menolly's giant lizard.

I'm just gonna leave it there and you all can ponder that one.

Zayne also attempted to explain TV whiiiile Bobby McGee and Gunn are there for some TV time as well.


Tweety wrote notes and poked at seeds at the flower shop today. Jak with no c was flying a jet in the park. Which is normal. Really. Ino threw a snowball at him and got him annoyed instead of one thrown back at her. Which... I think she wanted? That's not how this works. Naomi got a visit from The mullet over at Drunky's place. Ino was studying scrolls at Nate's place when she wasn't failin' at startin' snowball fights. Katina was makin' a mess in the name of art and makin' a mess when Sassy Pants was by to tick her off more. Nice job, man.

Jaaaaaason had his first day over at T&C when Kate happened on by for chocolate and he assumed she was on the rag. Yeaaaah, that might end badly. Mina was busy with Facebooking and Twittering and Blogging over at MCA before Henry was by for a place to stay. Layla--who knows stuff--opened up Things Reborn. Derek was all tired and crap at the hardware shop when Irulan stopped by.

Mullet did inventory at the hat shoppe and Beka with a k worked her baton at Atlas. You all can make the obvious joke yourselves. I'm too classy for that. Oz was bein' a lurker over at the cemetery tonight. Hot Alex was looking for employees at the law firm in town. Maybe if people committed more crime?

New Chick Shelley appeared on the causeway in portally goodness. Oz tried to explain things, but she was all confused since she didn't know she was heading here. Oh, sucks to be you. Old Jack confused the hell out of her because she's really blond, it seems. Right one. Dimitri thought she was a new student and they ended up on the topic of Nordstroms. Pff. Macy's, bitches.

Alice had some wintery music goin' at Groovy Tunes today, Martha did some inventory at the clinic, and Zee Nightcrawler was out and about, exploring the town. Marshall was a weeee bit late with getting to work at Caritas, but he did. And then Leia and Mat could get their date on. And making out. It's actually in the notes this time!

And that's it, folks. I hope you drank enough to make this fun. Or, you know, I could sleep on Wednesday nights again. That's just crazy talk, thought. Right? Riiiiiight.


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