Fandom Radio and You!

May 18, 2010 15:14

I realized that I haven't put this up for the newbies, so my apologies! Here, have a (slightly teal deer, sorry) explanation of how the radio works!

Okay. Radio. Please to be explaining?

IG, the pirate and the people who help him out every night get their information from a gang of squirrels who like to eavesdrop and have somehow learned to write. They also have a fondness for rum.

God, I love this game.

Anyway, from a more practical angle, the radio has a group of researchers who go through and summarize every post and every thread that all of you make every single day. There are four of them a night and a bazillion of you, so they do a hell of a job. Those summaries are then taken by our broadcasters and spread as gossip through a daily broadcast that is available as public knowledge for any character who wants to own a radio. What is said on the radio is playable in-game. The links that are included are for OOC knowledge only.

If you don't want something to be broadcast, please mark the post--if it's in a private room--with a NFB (not for broadcast) either in the headline or at the bottom of the entry, and our researchers'll skip right past it. We'll also skip any post marked OOC. (Tracy grabs the OOC posts.) You can also let us know that the people going in and out are mentionable, but not the contents of their conversations: we use this with the clinic's examining rooms as a matter of course. Please, please, please mark your posts and don't rely on tracking down someone who works for radio to arrange for handwaving of a conversation for you after the fact. We aren't trying to expose anything that is important plot-wise (or secret relationship-wise) for you, but there are more than 300 characters running around and things will inevitably get passed over if posts aren't correctly labeled.

If your conversation is taking place in a public post (the park, the Perk, the gym, cafeteria, whatever) and you want the contents of it not to be for broadcast, mark the thread as such. Because it is in public, your characters will still be seen there but the squirrel will have gotten bored listening or distracted by your bribe or whatever.

The pirate and his crew o' buccaneers thank ye!

jack sparrow, ooc

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