Please don't read these author's works:
lissinthecitycamillabloomaometrakkiemsscribeepicyclicaljlhanna_mariadarkrosetigertelesillacharchusegigi87erinmiranpurebloodygryffnightfalltwenlikebunnieswayfairerarielchanr_beccaoulangilightnote_blendbunny_wabiteljunoivyblossom glockgalmisspincecalliope14jessindistresstocomfortyoueibbil_libbiesarea_okelanijade_okelaniiscarissimons_flowerfick_l_reneari_oaltricialmadlorivoldmortladysorkacopperbadgedancing_moonajhalluk The list will be updated as I'm currently checking links. As a reminder, writing NC17 fanfic doesn't qualify you for this. It's only if you refuse to make this fic difficult for children to access - i.e. a password protected site. No, you may not ask to be removed from this list. I'm disabling comments to avoid people flaming the authors here, etc. If you want to be removed LOCK UP YOUR ADULT THEMED FIC. It's really that simple. It's not about censorship. It's about being responsible citizens in a community that happens to include a lot of underage readers.
Nominations are still being taken
here for both Gold list and Black list members.