This is a cut and paste of all the candidates platforms linked from
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Comments 82
I do support rm and legomymalfoy, though I wish both of them would participate in the discussion more, to address the concerns that the people above me have raised. rm especially seems to have an fandom-friendly and free-speech friendly stance, and I like that she is a member of the OTW. legomymalfoy's extensive experience with both fandom and LJ also speak in her favor. I am not as pleased with the emphasis on basic accounts and the search engine in her platform; to me, it smacks of treating the symptoms and not the disease (which would be fandom's concerns with censorship and clarity in communication). Plus, I don't really want ( ... )
Opinion is appreciated. I knew that spamming would come back to bite me. :)
During Boldthrough, I had voiced my concerns legitimately and professionally, and I felt that my voice had been lost and ignored, as several others did.
It was only after voicing my concerns that I took the low road. I was starting to see the LJ staff as something of a joke because of their complete lack of response, and I was very much beginning to see my presence on LJ as a joke because it felt like the staff simply did not care whether or not I was here. In a way, I saw my little LJ world crashing down around me. Several people on my friends' list had deleted their journals, and some of those friends had been there for years. To this day, I still don't know where some of those friends went. I miss them, and I blame LJ for their absence ( ... )
Of course it's all right, and thank you.
It was only after voicing my concerns that I took the low road. I still think that this is a completely inappropriate course of action. What it looks like to me is "They're not listening, so I am going to throw all of my professionalism out the window and throw a tantrum." What's to say it won't happen again? All the spamming did was contribute to LJ's already less-than-stellar perception of fandom as a whole, and I think that you should have been able to see that ( ... )
Who are you arguing in favour of, then?
If rm is viable, I think probably her. If a completely non-fandom candidate who is viable comes out as strongly and clearly against censorship as well, then possibly that person. I want the most viable person who I think will stand up for our ability to post what we want.
I do make the argument that someone who deleted innocent accounts during strikethrough has no place being our representative to the company that she deleted the accounts for, period. It's too cozy and it's not appropriate.
I further think that LJ already has enough representatives on the board, and giving them back the slot they gave us for a user representative, to fill it with another company representative, is a dumb move on our part.
I'm done with jameth, who was given ample opportunity to tell us something we wanted to hear and who finally got around to reinforcing that we apparently want shiny new features; I'd really hoped his history of tangling with Abuse and posting thing that piss off management would have made him the voice we needed; it isn't.
Clearly, it needs to be rm. I don't buy that already knowing how things work in the (clearly broken) LJ administration is a bonus right now, and I question how well anyone could know how things work, since we're on our third ( ... )
At any rate, support/abuse volunteers are not company representatives. They don't work for SUP; they don't have an interest in the business, so I find it just a little bit disingenuous to claim that someone who volunteers is a "company representative". That's like saying a donator is a company representative. I volunteer with PFLAG and I donate to the SPCA, but never in a million years would I believe I or any other volunteers/donators actually represent either organisation ( ... )
I've heard that before, that she does < 18 H/D, and that's great. If Warriors for Innocence had named her account on their list, what would have happened? Would she have been able to save it? Was it all just done on a code level, bypassing Abuse entirely? Who knows? We have no idea what the procedures were or are, because there's no transparency whatsoever, and we're all apparently content to keep it that way ( ... )
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