fandomfootie presents the 2006 World Cup Fandom Challenge!
The Challenge: 31 fanworks from June 9 to July 9, 2006 during the FIFA World Cup in Germany. As with the
community rules, the subject can be from any fandom as long as association football is somehow involved; no RPF except obliquely. You can post to the prompts in any order, any format, and with any interpretation, including non-sport subjects: Drabbles, at least two, 100 words each Fanfic, at least 200 words
Fanart, at least 200x200px Icons, at least two
(Of course with the shaky timezones and the part where we're watching the World Cup,
these are more like guidelines than actual rules.) You can show up on day five and post five fics. You can get to nutmeg and write about doing something unexpected between someone's legs, or take us through a 90-minute time bomb. Again, as with the community rules, it can be ANYTHING, as long as something soccer-related is in there, even if it's just a pair of boxers with balls on them.
The Table of Prompts:
body paint
local colour
hooliganscrowd control
chants and anthems
football widow(er)
bucky ball /
new ball90 minutes
laws of the gamestrikerdefendermidfielderyellow card (caution)
red card (sending off)
free kickheader /
dream sequenceinjury time
sudden death /
golden goalnutmegsuperstitionaway team
Corridor of Uncertaintybackdoor burglarsliding tacklelocker room
penetrative passchest trap / thigh trapjugglingtouch mebanana kick (bend it)
Addendum: *Any* 2006 World Cup fics posted in this period will be included in the challenge.
The Particulars:
Prompts with slashes are either/or.
Please tag your fic with the following: author (lj name), day #, fandom(s), and WC 2006
Please label the subject header with: title and author
Please label fics and art with: content, rating, and if applicable kink/squick(s) (see comm rules)
Adult content will be the default, so please LJ-cut!
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