Hey everyone!
Auction time is almost upon us, and we hope you’re as excited as we are about all of the wonderful fanworks on offer! Below you will find a quick overview of how the auction process is going to work and what you need to do to bid on some of these fantastic goodies.
- Read the bidding policies, FAQ and Creator Page carefully to ensure you understand what is on offer and that your prompt (if you have one) matches the creator’s likes/dislikes. Now is the time to ask questions if you have them!
- Check the Bidding Spreadsheet for the offering you’re interested in. This will tell you what the current high bid is. Click here for an example.
- Place a bid using the Bidding Form for that offering. Please make sure your bid is at least as high as the next minimum bid (e.g. if the current high bid is $10 and the minimum bid increment is $2, your bid should be at least $12). Feel free to test out this example form if you like to get a feel for how the process works - don’t worry, it’s for practice only, so you won’t be bidding on anything!
- That’s it! Note: you will not be notified if you are outbid, so make sure you refresh the bidding spreadsheet regularly.
Once bidding has closed, we will notify the winning bidders. Please wait for moderator confirmation before donating or contacting your creator.
- Please use the same email address and username consistently across all auctions and to manage any auction(s) you win (e.g. for sending in proof of donation, follow-up inquiries, etc.).
- You’re welcome to outbid yourself, but if you do this multiple times please email us so we know it’s not an error.
- Auctions end at 23:59:59 GMT on 29 FEB 2020 and no later. It may take us a little while to finish closing all the forms, but we will be determining the highest bidder based on timestamps. These can take up to 5 minutes to process, so we suggest you don’t leave it to the last minute to bid. [ COUNTDOWN ]
- All bids are final. If you enter the wrong amount by mistake, please get in touch with the mods ASAP and we will help you sort it out, but you will not be able to retract your bid, so choose carefully!
If you’d like more information and/or you still have questions, please check out our
Bidders FAQ or email us at