Wednesday, January 17, Period 1
The only change in the classroom from last week is the presence of several boxes set on the floor near M's desk. The professor herself is standing near the projection screen, and addresses the class once everyone is seated.
"The first order of business today is to remind you that I require some manner of written excuse for any failure to attend class. Failure to attend class or to supply a valid excuse will result in disciplinary action."
A slide appears briefly on the screen:
LECTURE: "We begin our examination of espionage technology with what is probably the first item that comes to mind when you think of spies and gadgets -- the camera." As she speaks, slides appear on the screen to illustrate the lecture. "Cameras have evolved a great deal over time, and in the field of espionage they continue to prove extremely useful. Inventors have developed cameras that work
underwater, from a
distance, are
miniaturized, can be hidden inside an item or article of clothing, and that work under intense light or
low light conditions."
M pauses in the lecture and instructs Nadia to open up the boxes and pass around the items inside. "These
infrared cameras -- and you'll each be receiving one on loan -- are designed to take photographs in complete darkness, without the benefit of a flash. This is a particularly useful item, as I'm certain you can imagine. The bright light from a camera flash would make a typical camera useless in situations which require the photographer to remain unobserved in a darkened room."
DISCUSSION: "Share with the class your ideas on how cameras are used in espionage, and why the industry can't make do with the ordinary cameras you can buy at the mall."
ASSIGNMENT: "Your assignment for next week is to take a minimum of five photographs with the infrared camera. Keep in mind two things: first, that these photographs must be taken in complete darkness, or they will not develop properly. Second, any obscene photographs that result from this assignment will earn you an automatic F for the class. And trust me, you're not going to be able to doctor the film to avoid being found out. You will turn in your cameras, film intact, next week, and I will have the photographs developed. If you have any questions about how the cameras work, please ask before you leave class. Also, remember to turn in your essay assignments from last week before leaving."
[ooc: If your character is from a time/world where they would have no idea how to work the cameras, ask M or the TAs to demonstrate. Also, for goodness sake, PLEASE get permission from any charcters you attempt to photograph for the assignment! Please to be waiting for OCD is now up!]
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