"Hanging up garlands of garlic, tossing a pinch of salt over the shoulder, a
brewery of egg shells. If we are lucky, food is something that's always around. When one finds oneself in unexpected peril there is often the need to improvise, tossing whatever is at hand at the assailant. It is in situations such as these that certain properties of certain foods were discovered."
Byron goes on to talk about the magical and protective properties of various foods such as salt, garlic, chicken soup, wine, apples, bread, and (of course) a review of chocolate.
Off to the side is a table well stocked with a variety of the foods mentioned, when he was done talking, Byron indicated it with a sweep of his hand.
"Feel free to partake of the various foods we've been discussing. If your own culture has a tradition of magically important consumables please do share your knowledge with the class."