John's lounging comfortably against a log when the students come upon the main campfire. He waits a few moments for the students to take their seats, chat a little before he sits up and smiles.
"Welcome back," he said. "You survived your first week of annoying teachers and no one came to kill me. Either you guys are really good, really bad, or you scared the teachers. So, first, turn in your homework by telling me who you guys annoyed handwavy, if you need and how."
And he waited some more for the class to tell him about their homework.
"Great." A clap of his hands and he launched into today's lesson.
"Today, we're going to talk about a simple technique that can be one of the most annoying things you ever use."
John paused. He was big on dramatic pauses.
"Name calling, while sufficient, can sometimes be brushed off by people who think it's funny or just enjoy being mocked. Now, we're going to do something I like to mimicry. Basically, it's repeating exactly what someone says back to them. You can use different intonations, facial expressions and innuendo, but the words have to be same. This is annoying, believe me. I've done it before, I've had it done to me. Eventually, it either flusters people to the point they walk away in a huff or they just yell at you to stop. This is what we want."
John rubbed his hands together, looking around at his class. "So, let's pair up and practice. Try to make the mimics expressive and different. Don't be monotone. Let your partner know that you know you're mimicking them. For your homework, I want you guys to mimic a teacher. Mimic for as long as you want in anyway you want. Remember, you won't get in trouble. Tell them I sent you and I'll take the punishment."
After teaching the lesson, John said, "Okay, let's get started."
[OOC: Homework can be handwavy, just don't use specific teacher names if you handwave so as not to mod something that shouldn't be modded but mimic away if you have the time because mwahahahaha. Again, you don't get in trouble if you tell the teacher John sent you. Also, fellow teachers who have been annoyed? Feel free to confront John in the appropriate thread! Have fun!]