Cackling and More: An Introduction to Being a Mad Scientist [July 10th, period 3]

Jul 09, 2007 21:36

The students had been handwavily sent notes that the Mad Science class would be taking place in the Danger Shop beforehand. Once they arrived, they'd notice that the place had been set up to look like a dark and foreboding laboratory in the basement of a large building. There were desks, but they'd been pushed to the side of the smoke filled room, leaving a foggy space in the middle. A man busied himself with a table full of test tubes at the front of the room.

Curiously, the teacher's head and shoulders were completely covered in shadows, despite the many fluorescent lights in the room. His glasses glowed white, and when he smiled, his mouth glowed a weird red.

"Ah, good afternoon students," he said. "My name is Professor Souichi Tomoe, and I'll be your Mad Science instructor this term. I formerly taught at Infinity Academy in Tokyo, but there were a few ... issues there that led me to move here for a bit."

So he blew up a wing of the school while experimenting in his real lab. Big deal.

He took a step forward, and the shadows parted to reveal a normal looking man with white hair and odd eyeglass lenses.

"So then, tell me about yourselves. Name, age, interest in mad science, previous experiences in dealing with monsters." That last one was a completely innocent question.

He listened as the students answered, before waving them off to the sides of the room.

"So, as a warm-up activity, today we're going to play Twister!" He motioned with his hands, and the smoke cleared from the room, revealing a large plastic Twister mat already layed out on the floor. "Evil Twister. Anyone who fails the game and falls to the ground will be forced to do karaoke."

Prof Tomoe turned back to the main desk, and pulled out a clunky karaoke machine that looked like it might have been made somewhere around 1994. There was a microphone coming out of the side, a couple of tape decks out front, a black star hastily painted on the top, and a mid-90s computer hard-drive connected via wires to the other side.

"This karaoke machine contains all the evilest music ever recorded," the professor explained, "from enka to country, to Celine Dion, to Morning Musume, to someone I'm told is named 'Fergie', and much, much more. Wh- If you fail at Twister, you are to hit the Random button, and perform whichever song it picks for the class."

The shadows fell back around his shoulders, and he grinned a bright red grin. "Good luck."

mad science

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