Spy Games, Class 3, Monday period 5

May 25, 2009 11:59

When the class filed in, they didn't find Sarah waiting for them, but a rather familiar looking priest.

"Hello class," he greeted them. "Your teacher couldn't be here today so she asked me to fill in for her. I'm Father Winchester.

"Our sermon today is on disguises. Yeah, sure you can get a lot of information by the breaking and entering route, but sometimes you're going to have to interact with people. Sometimes you're going to want to blend in, get them to not notice you. Other times you're going to want to get them to trust you, tell you things they might not ordinarily do so. Disguises are an important tool in both situations.

"Say you need to check some medical records -- you're going to have a lot better chance of getting to them without incident if you dress like you belong, some scrubs or a white coat and suddenly youre an orderly or a doctor and no one's looking at you twice or questioning why you're roaming the halls or going into that office.

"Or say someone's died and you think there's something hinky about it. The family's in mourning, they're not going to want to talk to just any Joe Blow about the details." Dean put on his most pious expression. "But a priest paying a courtesy call to pay his respects and offer his condolences, now that's someone they'll feel comfortable talking about the gory details to."

Dean grinned at them. "Every situation is going to be different, but with a little ingenuity you can come up with a disguise to fit. Need to get into a place and have some uninterrupted time there? How about posing as exterminators that are spraying for something that requires an empty house? All you need is to think outside the box."

He gestured to a set of racks full of all sorts of clothing and boxes of accessories. "Over there is a broad selection of things you can use to create a disguise. What I want you to do is to not only put together a disguise but come up with a senario where that particular disguise would be useful. Extra points given for originality."

[ooc: wait for ocd's up! Have at it]


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