The Science of Psionics, Wednesday

Mar 23, 2011 13:18

"You may review your notes today," Kerrigan said, from her position at the front of the classroom. "After we delve into the actual science for a minute or two."

She turned on the projector, displaying a 'map' of the human brain. "This is the activity in an average human mind at rest," she said. Click. "This is a psionic's mind at rest." An area in the back of the brain had lit up a little brighter than on the first picture. "This is a psionic's mind when actively trying to listen in." The area at the back had lit up further, spreading forward into the frontal lobe. "And this," she continued, "is a telekinetic at work." The parietal lobe at the back was a frantic place of activity now, spreading forward into the frontal lobe in quick, precise spikes.

She glanced at the class. "That's the human brain," she said, "This is the protoss mind at rest."

Not only was the image she showed next shaped somewhat different from the human brains she had shown before, but the back of the brain seemed to be about as active as that of the last human image. It even spread towards the middle, to the temporal lobe. "The protoss practically seem to subsist on psionic power," she said. "Their minds are constantly working with it, trying to get it under control." She elaborated on the various lobes of the brain for a few more minutes.

Then she glanced over the class. "I'm not asking any of you to get your brain scanned, though the option is there," please, please take the option, "But merely to consider what this means. It might lead you to develop new strategies to control and focus your power. You can review these simulations as you wish."

science of psionics

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