“Today, we’re taking a slightly different look at art. I want you to pair up, and this is part an example of expression, and part a trust exercise, so pick your partners wisely.” On the tables in front of them they would find a variety of tubes and pots. “On the side you’ll find some
henna,” and she picked up a tube to illustrate. “Most of you
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Or draw on yourself, but you might get Angela sighing at you for not getting into the spirit.
He paused, thought for a moment, and then looked around carefully.
"...On a completely unrelated note," he announced in a saccharine-sweet tone, "does anyone want me to draw on them? I'm a good artist and stuff."
Later, when the Purkayasthas were gone and no one cared what sort of messes Ace got into, there was her and Shreela painting stars and anarchy symbols and band names on each other, but it wasn't the same, and it certainly wasn't Mehndi.
Now, she dropped random swirls and dots of henna along the back of her hand, watching where they fell, but not really planning it. Still wasn't the same, but it was... something.
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