Mar 25, 2014 23:00
Jess Day, resident badass, stood before the class in all black with dark shades on, and speaking in a voice that sounded like she was purposely trying to lower it a few octaves.
She wasn't. This version of Jess had been a heavy smoker in the 90's. Right until they banned it in restaurants, actually.
"I'm impressed any of you actually showed up," she said, in case anyone actually had shown up. "I admire your dedicating to schooling. But I'm not going to be in here while people are suffering out there." She even pointed vaguely towards a window. "Class is dismissed. You can go research, or stay here, or you can stand and fight. Me? Well. I'll be doing the last thing."
Jess, you were not in a Steven Segal movie, why are you talking like that.