Advanced Criminal Justice, Class #6, Period 1, 01.26.06

Jan 26, 2006 06:59

[OOC: I will be busy at the office all morning and probably be working against a deadline in the afternoon. Fun stuff. No clue how much I'll be able to reply udirng the day so Rory has permission to go crazy with the responses if she wants. Now ready for the usual scattered replies. Class Info Post.]

The Tick was behind his desk again, looking rather more rested. Lockheed was back on his usual spot on the bookshelf. And the mun was rushing this class liek whoa!

"Hello, class! A quick announcement before we get started today. There will be a quiz next Thursday. It won't be much to worry about and it won't be heavy on details from the class thus far. It will just check your ability to reason things out in the name of Justice!"

"Today we will be looking at the flip-side of Tuesday's topic. Where there are heroes fighting for Justice, there must be villains working against it."

"Today I would like you to tell me about a villain or a villainous group from back home. If you will, please discuss with the class what he, she, or it did to get labeled as so darn villainous and whether or not they have been brought to Justice yet!"

"And if the discussion goes well today, I may even share a story about one of my arch-fiends when the mun gets home from work so be sure to check back in at the end of class. It'll be the story of a guy with a chair for a head. Come on, you know you want to hear about him!"

"Please discuss!"

advanced criminal justice

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