[OOC: Quiz! For those not in the know, Tick's quizzes deal in general knowledge, hypothetical situations, and metaphor. Big shock, isn't it? Have fun. Please get them done by Saturday, but I'll accept any turned in before next Tuesday. All good? Good.
Class Info Post.]
The Tick was standing by his desk when the class walked in. Lockheed was back in his usual spot, holding a cup of soup and slurping loudly at random moments. He of course kept this up until the last person handed in their quiz.
"Welcome, class! Congratulations on surviving after Tuesday's class. Today you have your first quiz for Justice this semester! Hopefully Karma is smiling at us in earnest and you'll all do just fine on the quiz and return safely to class next Tuesday. Good luck!"
Tick then handed out the quizzes.
1. Bugs Bunny: What is his deal, in terms of Justice?
2. Imagine two puppies quarrelling. Would your usual methods of negotiation/force to stop the fight still be applied? How would things change?
3. Explain the difference between Vengence and Justice with a metaphor involving the common farm animal of your choice.
EC. Please write a brief descriptive paragraph using a comparison between Justice, squirrels and the color blue.