Advanced Criminal Justice, Class 17, Period 1, 03.14.06

Mar 14, 2006 06:41

[OOC: Hi. You get relatively uncreative and quickly written lecture today. Sorry! Needed sleep! And I'm running slightly late, so the EC and Metaphor will be up a little later. Class Info Post.]

The Tick was standing at the podium at the front of the room and Lockheed was on his normal bookshelf, as usual.

"Good morning, students! Welcome back from break! I hope you all had a good one! And congratulations to anyone who did well in the animal balancing contest last night. Just be glad there wasn't a moose."

"Okay, today, we're talking about superheroes. A superhero is, essentially, a vigilante with a flashier style and usually a moral center more in line with that of the rest of society. If you excuse the whole blatantly taking the law into their own hands thing, at least."

"However, the fact that superheroes seem to follow most of societies guidelines (don't kill, don't steal, try not to be a massive jerk) combined with the fact that in today's society, they usually disguise their identity, all while taking the law into their own hands means that some people," with that, Rory began to pass out a printed out editorial from The Daily Bugle that basically said that superheroes were the worst thing ever, "think of them as subversive. They're trying to wheel and deal their way into the hearts of society while doing whatever they please."

"Please remember that in this class, I am a teacher first and a superhero second. You can speak freely. With that in mind, today's question is, in general, what do you think of superheroes? Good people? Menaces? Misguided fools? Fashion disasters? Have you ever met a superhero outside of Fandom? What, in short, is the deal?"

"This week's metaphor is clowns. And your Extra Credit for this week is to give someone else in the room a superhero name. Just remember, The Tick and The Caffeinator are already taken."

advanced criminal justice

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