Advanced Criminal Justice, Class 27, Period 1, 04.18.06

Apr 18, 2006 07:04

[OOC: Blah blah blah slow during day. This is my "Raid Wiki For Info" Week. Therefore, it's slighty dry and less wacky than usual. If this lecture hits any sore points for your character, it wasn't intentional. I was going to do this last week before I got sick, I swear! Class Info Post.]

"Hello, students!" The Tick said from behind his desk. "I hope you all enjoyed Master Kenobi's lecture last week. And if you had the chance to catch his sparring session with Anakin... well, it was keen!"

"Looking toward the end of the semester here, I want to let you know about your final exam. It will take place on May 2nd, two weeks from today and consist of five essay questions. It will use concepts that we talked about. And as a hint about one of the questions, I'll point you towards last week's newspaper. The thrust of the main article was whether or not Justice worked in Fandom. Those of you with good memories may recall that we've talked about that before. I would do some reflecting on your feelings on the subject by May 2nd."

"Oh, and if Callisto, Janet, Marty, and Logan could see me after class, that would be keen!"

"This week, we'll be talking about a few theories on Justice. Today we'll focus on the Restorative Theory, the Retributive Theory, and the Transformative Theory."

"Restorative Justice suggests that after a crime, the victim and/or their family can return to a condition where they are roughly just as good as they were before the crime. A burglary victim gets stuff back and eventually stops fearing another break-in. Meanwhile, the criminal can be reintegrated into society. They do community service, pay back their victims, and overall prove themselves an asset to the community. In the end, everyone returns to a happy place."

"Retributive Justice laughs at Restorative Justice and calls it names because it's just. that. bad. This is your 'eye for an eye' version of Justice. A killer gets death, a thief gets a hand chopped off, other kinds of criminals get other things chopped off... In this form of Justice, the victim gets to witness an approximation of what was done to them be done to the criminal."

"Transformative Justice is a kind of 'peacemaking' solution that ignores any comparisons between the lives of the victims and criminals before and after the crime. It looks at root causes and tries to fix any problems at the beginning, assuming that the criminal won't try to commit more crimes and the victims won't look for vengence. This theory is focused on corporate or environmental laws, but it can be applied to violent crimes."

"Personally, I think they all have a few good points, but don't quite work out as a whole. I'd like you to discuss your views on these theories. Feel free to pick one, or pick a couple of them apart and focus on some details."

"This week's metaphor is windows. The glass thingies you look out of, not the computer thingy. And for extra credit, let's go with something nice. Tell me what you're planning to do for summer."

"Okay, let's discuss!"

advanced criminal justice

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