Sexual Education [07/06] - Thursday Afternoon

Jul 06, 2006 00:22

When the students were all in the Danger Shop which they had totally handwavily been told was the location for the day, okay?, Becky smiled.

"Hi. Last workshop. What we're doing here today is putting everything you've learned to good use."

She pressed a button on the remote, and the Danger Shop transformed into a poorly-lit, crowded bar. Onstage, a pretty blonde girl no older than eighteen was dancing and swinging a lasso.

And yes - it was all in black and white, as were the students themselves, save for a few splashes of color here and there.

"Your assignment, boys and girls, is to pick someone up. Find a seat at the bar or a table, and within minutes, someone'll come along. You're to make small talk with them, and then get the person in question to want to have sex with you. Make sure to specify what you're into, and that you use protection. People in Kadie's usually like to know these things. You have until the end of class today to accomplish this goal. People who make it into compromising positions get cookies."

She held up three fingers. "Few rules before I turn you loose. One - if you get far enough to where the virtual person wants to have sex with you, your portion of the Danger Shop will dim immediately, and your virtual person will disappear. No getting me in trouble. Two - order what you want from Shellie, but if you act drunk, you're getting detention. And three - things in Kadie's can get kinda rough. Be nice to the other patrons, and they'll be nice to you. And if they aren't, I'll take care of it. Oh, and if you have a significant other to worry about, don't fret, guys. They're virtual people, and you don't even have to touch most of 'em to let 'em know what you want. It's all about the talking, baby."

She smiled. "Have fun, kiddies."

[OCD is up! Please see OOC thread for notes. Also, second link may not be completely work safe.]

sex ed

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