HOLD YOUR HORSES! If you comment before I finish the OCD, I WILL SHANK YOU OCD IS A GO-GO. Please read the following while you wait patiently for my slow butt:
Teacher and student expectations: The all important guideline for what is expected of the players in Fandom High. Even if you've seen these things fifty gazillion times, a refresher scan never hurts.
Japanese characters, please sign up in the Western style - first name then last name - to make our alphabetical OCDing easier. Even if it does sometimes lead to problems like everyone thinking Chad's name is basically Chad Chad. *cough*
The boring but important stuff:
1) Students must sign up for at least 2 classes and may sign up for as many as 4. Additionally, no player may sign up for more than 8 classes in total (so if you have 4 students, they can have 2 classes each. 3 or 2 students, any combination of up to 8 overall, with no more than 4 per character).
2) For any classes that exceed their maximum numbers:
a. If you have two characters signed up for one class, one will be ousted (so make a note of which you'd prefer get in should this happen, if you have a preference).
b. Student characters played by the teacher of the class will also get ousted.
c. If the class still has too many, it will be RNG'd; if you have been RNG'd out, we will let you know as soon as possible, so you can choose a second alternative.
3) If you're a TA for a class, you need to sign up for that class, and it will count towards your maximum of 4/minimum of 2, but the TA is not counted when determining if the class is full (full class = 20+TA). Also, your student character cannot be the TA for your teacher character. That's just silly.
4) If it's OOC for your character to take the workshop but you really want to take it anyway, just sign them up and we'll pretend it was an IG paperwork mishap. And blame the moose.
5) If you sign up, you need to show up. Class attendance is how we keep track of your character's activity. If you repeatedly fail to at least sign in to classes, we'll have to contact you about it, and you could be asked to leave the game.
6) Class descriptions are subject to change at the teacher's discretion. Teacher's shape is subject to change according to Fandom weirdness. These are just facts of life.
7) Sign-ups are most certainly not first-come, first-serve. As mentioned, excess numbers in classes will be whittled down randomly. Still, anyone has the green light to start signing up for character, newly coming in and old students alike.
And now we get to the good stuff! Remember,
your class schedule can be found here.
Class sign-ups close at midnight PST on January 03, 2009. No late sign-ups are allowed without extenuating circumstances (so sign up early in case something comes up). If you don't sign up on time, you'll have to wait for the next Semester to play, and that's a long wait.
Questions or problems, email us - administration(@)fandomhigh.net - or drop a question in the Questions thread down below. Please remember that the cake, pie, or nakedness fee for unrelated questions still applies.
WAIT FOR OCD, WAIT FOR IT...DON'T MAKE ME CUT YOU. OCD is up! No one was cut! Cookies for everyone!