So, ever noticed how we have this great population of alumni and ex-pats who so rarely get hand-engraved invitations back to visit their beloved Fandom Island? Meanwhile, a bunch of people are trapped all by their lonesome in their own dimension, living out fanfiction lives. Well, times, they are a'changing!
Effective immediately, no more do alumni/expats need to be invited or submit a proposal to stop by Fandom for lunch or even for a few days visit!
The guidelines, we provide to you in bullet form:
- Every alum/expat has five (5) days each month to be spent as they choose on-island. The five days can be consecutive or spread out through the month, depending on player/character needs.
- Special days/weekends when alumni, expats, or both are invited back do not count as part of those five days.
- While alumni/expats are welcome to post in town and play in any open town posts, they should still check with the club runners before showing up at clubs that welcome guests.
- Alum and expat guests are also welcome to visit teachers during open office hours or talk-to-the-teacher threads, but should only be present during actual classes if invited to do so by the teacher.
- If there's a plot or event that's meant to be just for on-island characters, we'll be sure to let you know ahead of time that the date is blocked out for no visits via the OOC comm and/or the plot calendar.
- There's no sign up required! But be aware that we do tend to pay attention and if we find people abusing the new ability, we will sadly send off an email.
And there it is! Any questions, concerns, leftover pie? OOC icons that are awesome?