As the week goes on, more and more monsters will be creeping into Fandom through the cracks. For your modding-and-informational pleasure, we now provide you with a glossary. (Fear not, those of you traveling to the actual environments from whence these creatures come. There'll be a post of monsters for each environment as well!)
Shadow Ghosts
Description: Child-size shadow-ghosts, usually caught from the corner of your eye. They'll run, laugh meanly, and sometimes cry.
Location in Silent Hill: The school in Ash-World, on the playground and in the hallways.
How to fight: Don't. They're just creepy shadows, and won't harm you or even be able to touch you.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Thursday, here and there.
Description: Roaches that have grown to be about two feet long. They'll attempt to attack you, but their tiny mouthes cause only scratches at best.
Location in Fallout: Anywhere deep, dark and dank.
How to fight: Smoosh them with your foot, smack them with a hammer, anything'll kill a radroach.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Thursday, and increasing in quantity as the week goes on.
Description: Extremely violent humans that have been mutated mentally and physically beyond repair due to their dependence on Plasmids. Some of them have superpowers (throwing electricity, pyrokinesis, telekinesis) due to the drug.
Location in Rapture: All over the place. Rapture used to be their home, after all.
How to fight: They go down like any average person would. You might want to shoot the superpowered ones before they can zap you, and some of them like to play dead and jump out at you when you get close enough.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Thursday.
Description: Hairless, demonic dogs with rotten brown skin and a very large set of jaws. They are also morbidly thin, making them appear starving or even dead as a result. Their hearing is very keen.
Location in Silent Hill: The school in Ash-World.
How to fight: They're fast and hard to hit with a handheld melee weapon; projectiles work best. They're dangerous but fairly fragile if you do hit them. Preferred method of dealing with them: run like hell.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Friday.
Gray Children
Description: Child-size blackened figures, their skins constantly twisting and shifting to reveal glowing embers within. They'll try to rush you and scrabble at your legs to drag you down to the ground, and their touch will burn you, as if they really are on fire.
Location in Silent Hill: The school, when the Darkness falls.
How to fight: Hit them with something hard enough to break them up into glowing chunks of coal, or the ever-popular run like hell.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Friday.
Description: Giant cockroaches (about half as big as your head) with sharp pincers and shrieking humanoid faces on their undersides.
Location in Silent Hill: The school, when the Darkness falls. They'll swarm out of cracks in the wall, some already there, some made by the janitor monster.
How to fight: Stomp on them.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Friday as one here or there. By Saturday, you'll run across swarms.
Description: Scorpions the size of a dog or even bigger. They have large pinchers that can do a great deal of damage, as well as a poisonous stinger. Avoid the stinger.
Location in Fallout: The wasteland.
How to fight: Shoot them from a distance, or unleash a lot of hell on them with something sharp. They're pretty durable, and thus relatively hard to kill. The trick is not to let it maul you before you maul it.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Friday.
Description: Grisly chimaera walking on at least six... hands, with a human head from which portrude three grisly tentacles. They spit irradiated projectiles at anyone who comes near.
Location in Fallout: The wasteland. Usually near Super Mutant dens.
How to fight: Avoid the projectiles as best you can. Centaurs aren't very hard to kill, it's getting in rage with something sharp or a gun without being hit that turns out to be the problem.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Friday.
Description: Bigger, faster, and meaner doglike cousins to the groaners. They're skinless and heavily muscled, with blood dripping from their bodies, giving them a freshly skinned look. Some are eyeless, some appear white-eyed and blind, some have faces covered with worms. Like the groaners, they have very sensitive hearing.
Location in Silent Hill: The streets in Ash-World, especially near the police station.
How to fight: Like the groaners, hit them HARD, preferably with a sharp object, preferably from a distance. Throw them away with your wacky mental powers. Run like hell.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Saturday.
Air Screamer
Description: A flying pterodactyl-like creature with a vaguely humanoid face; it stands about half the height of an adult human, with a wide, batlike wingspan, and will try to claw you with its dangling legs or bite with its pointed and sharp-toothed mouth.
Location in Silent Hill: The school playground and the town streets in Ash-World.
How to fight: Landing a blow with a hand-held weapon is very difficult. As such, firearms or other projectiles are suggested for shooting them out of the air. Or, you know, run like hell.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Saturday.
Armless Men
Description: Skulking, wobbling humanoid creatures, trapped in what appear to be straitjackets made from their own flesh. They attack by spewing a spray of acidic mist from an opening in their chest. They are slow while standing upright, but when knocked down they may hit you or stay in a lying position and move by skittering very quickly along the ground like a snake.
Location in Silent Hill: The streets in Ash-World
How to fight: Projectiles are better, to stay out of range of the acid, but you can beat it with hand-held weapons too. Or -- say it with us -- run like hell.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Saturday.
Description: Essentially mutant crabs, Mirelurks are about the size of a human being, heavily armored, and in possession of deadly pinchers that will really make life difficult. They will mostly stick to the waterfront, so the beach will become fairly dangerous after their arrival.
Location in Fallout: Near the waterfront.
How to fight: Aim for the face. It's the only part of the Mirelurk that isn't armored. Otherwise, good luck: getting hit by one really is very painful.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Saturday.
Feral Ghoul
Description: Humans exposed to too much radiation will lose their skin and hair and, after a while, most of their internal organs. These are ghouls. Feral ghouls are humans who lost their mind in the process; they're pretty much zombies just trying to tear you apart.
Location in Fallout: Mostly in underground areas.
How to fight: Ghouls are easy to kill, you just have to watch out for them. They'll mostly be hanging out anywhere it's dark or at least hidden from sight. A good headshot or a blow to the chest will do them in. If you see them coming.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Saturday.
Super Mutant
Description: Thankfully, there won't be more than a handful of Super Mutants making their way to Fandom. These mutated humans stand at around seven feet, are mostly made of rage (if not many brains) and won't hesitate to try to pummel you to death with a chimney, or anything else large and blunt.
Location in Fallout: In small groups across the wastes, and near the Capitol.
How to fight: Super Mutants are strong. Your best bet is to unleash a lot of hell on it from afar, or try to lodge something in its entraily parts. Don't go for the balls, though. They haven't got any.
Showing up in Fandom: Starting Saturday.