It had been brought to Wesley's attention by a number of parties that teaching Kenzi how to shoot a pistol was inadvisable at best. Teaching her how to shoot something long-ranged like a rifle, though? That was probably a biiiit dangerous. You know. A bit.
And yet.
He waited for her to show up and practiced on the target, relishing the kickback
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"There's, ah, there's an examination given to a Slayer on her eighteenth birthday," Wesley explained. "It requires certain actions to be taken by her Watcher, and should he -- er, or she -- ah, fail to meet the requirements put forth for the task, that's one way to be stripped of the Watcher title." Not that he knew of it happening more than once, or anything. "Alternatively, if a Watcher is found to have, er, failed his or her Slayer in some way, that could also lead to firing."
Two guesses which one had happened to him. Shouldn't be too hard, given the way his tone went all soft on that last part.
"There are other possibilities, no doubt, but those are the two that I'm, ah, most familiar with."
Okay, giving up.
"She went rogue, actually," he admitted softly. "Turned against her Calling, murdered people..."
Deep breath. He fired at the target once, leaving a clean hole in the silhouette's chest.
"She was on the verge of being rehabilitated, and I intervened," he said quietly. "She might have come around, were it not for me."
"Speaking as someone people have tried to 'rehabilitate'," she put the word in audible quote-marks, and waited until she was sure Wesley was paying attention. "Do you really think anyone could influence me so hard that I'd kill someone, if I didn't want to anyway? And I don't even have superpowers." She paused. "I'm not saying you didn't fuck up. I wasn't there. Maybe you did." She shook her head. "But dude. Are you responsible for her whole life?"
There was really no changing his mind on this, Kenzi. After all, he was reminded of it just from being here.
Yeah, Miss Slayer gets no slack at all from a fellow miscreant. Nope. "So the Council guys blamed you? Nobody else? Not that other Watcher, not Miss Slay-girl? How old was she, anyway?"
And yes, that sounded a bit bitter. While Wesley regarded most of his faults in this area as his own, he did resent the fact that the Council had never once seemed to hold Faith's behavior against Faith.
She turned and shot the target some more, then back. "The Council is whack, dude. Whack. What, this chick doesn't have the brains to know what she did? She's a - savant? Just a fighty machine?"
"No," Wesley conceded quietly. "But the fact remains that whether she's responsible or not, I am as well. That's simply how the Council operates."
So now he'd gone from arguing the point to blaming the system. Real solid logic there, Wes.
As long as it wasn't scotch, Kenzi. Keep him far away from stuff unless you wanted him out of commission for weeks at a time.
"All right. Yes."
Wes wasn't exactly sure what was considered "overly clueless," but he certainly had no intention to be it. Talking about all of this just made him want as little to do with the Council as possible.
And at least some of Wes's uptight-ness was explained. "What was this chick's name, anyway? Or don't they have one, once they get Called?" Kenzi put away her gun, and walked over to the door.
"Faith," he said quietly, returning his safety goggles and earphones to their respective bins. "Faith Lehane."
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