Xander slaps at his alarm clock blearily. Why the hell is it a) talking, and b) talking to him about Angelus? He was having a perfectly normal, peaceful, vampire-free dream about gay penguins in space, after coming home to a perfectly blissful vampire-free room, without even a speck of new cigarette ash on his bed -- by now? He can tell -- and now the alarm is not only pissbastard enough to go off, but it feels the need to remind him that his roommate exists? Unless it's not the alarm, and the frog's started to talk now; he frankly wouldn't be suprised. "Jeremiah? Shut up," he tries, but the voice keeps talking.
As he smacks the clock again, almost knocking
Jeremiah's tank off his bedside table -- "Sorry, bud." -- it finally starts to filter through to Xander that the buzzer has somehow managed to get shifted over to 'radio' and it really
is talking to him about his roommate. Or at least the new sheriff is.
By the time Lamb finishes speaking, Xander's wide awake. "Well... fuck, froggie."
"Rbblert?" Jeremiah answers unhelpfully.
"Yeah, that's comforting."