Club Fair- The gym- Monday after classes

Feb 04, 2007 21:06

As usual, the gym has been set up with several tables, each holding clipboards for the signup sheets. Hanging from each table is a paper sign prettily displaying the name of the club, just to clear up any confusion. The students can mingle and check out the clubs, and the people running the clubs can recruit all they needed/wanted. And on top of that, there was a moddable table of food over there. All in all, a good setup.

[Plz to be waiting for the insane OCD. Insane OCD is up.
Club heads, feel free to ping into the labeled interactive threads to talk to people. All signups go in the labeled OOC sign up threads. OOC threads will be open till Sunday, Febrary 12. Reminder: All students need to be in a club, have a job, or be a TA or library aide.
ETA: Club schedule is here, btw.]


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