I didn't say it was a good reason, or even a logical one. Just that the first thought towards you tends to be something along the lines of 'Oh god, here's a major wanker/cause of wank!' and they react on that.
Plus, like the anon below said, like it or not you have achieved something of meme-like status so there isn't much you can do but ride it out...just like Dethtoll did when saying 'Hi Dethtoll' was a meme here.
Still, Dethtoll made more sense since the things would happen here. This is for things that have only vague tangents to do with interests I happen to have, including things that've never led to wank. Like this--I've never been involved in a Team Rocket wankfest.
The anon below
September 18 2011, 17:19:02 UTC
The differences between this and the Hi Dethtoll meme is that only a handful of people found the Hi Dethtoll meme funny to begin with and that most people around here find it easier to be accepted if they get involved in PC-related arguments as opposed to bandy about memes. The problem BJR is facing at the moment lies in the fact that Pokémon fans either hate her, get pissed off whenever she appears, or adore the bandwagon because it makes them feel accepted (usually the latter), so they consider bashing her to be a "safe" subject because they're under the impression that chances are, a bunch of other people would jump in and support them.
Tl;dr, Dethtoll could outlast his meme because not that many people thought it was funny enough to keep it going to begin with. BJR doesn't have that option because there's a lot of people (in this fandom and sometimes in general, the latter in the case of anyone who brings up Hurricane Katrina) who are too stupid to know she's an old meme
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Except that you're the ones bringing up ANY wankery by trying to use my name as a punchline. Simply not naming any specific event doesn't make you any less non sequetor.
You know, despite the fact that I'd rather jam my right hand into molten steel than have a tea party with you, I have to agree that it doesn't make sense to me to bring you up here. It's a lot like saying every bit of Pokémon wank has to do with Serebii. It's wildly mind-numbing and whiny, and it feels like they're really trying hard to be funny because they think you're a universally acceptable target thanks to the number of people who either hate you or magically get pissed off whenever you're brought up in the conversation.
That's really most of what's wrong with this fandom in general. People are more apt to start drama than get along (probably because this fandom has always been like that on a level, so now everyone has this stupidly elitist or otherwise delusional mentality going on on one level or another), which is really fucking hilarious if you think about it because when you get right down to it, most of the canon preaches about teamwork and friendship, am I right? But you can't really tell anyone anything like "grow
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You're welcome. I'm actually surprised you managed to get anything out of that tl;dr, so that's cool.
As for the hate-on, yeah, I love weird metaphors and just wanted to establish the fact that I'm one of those people you mentioned on your LJ who don't particularly like you but would like to punch out people who try to cash in on your memes for failing to stfu.
Yeah, it really makes no sense. I see tons of people doing the same things I do and they're met with agreement, or at least not wankery. It's like they picked me to harp on.
A tl;dr that I'm sure could use a few more expletives, 1/2
September 20 2011, 03:42:47 UTC
That's a question I've been wondering myself. I've taken an interest in trying to make sense of the BNFs in this fandom (ha, like that'll ever happen), and I've noticed that a lot of the time, the hate-on has a general theme to it. For example, Serebii Joe has always been a dick to anyone who didn't worship the ground he walked on, so it's not really surprising whenever he pops up in wank, only to have it be about some flamewar he got into with WPM, Archaic, or someone else who has the audacity to run a website that hosts information. So, he's sort of a joke, only we don't make fun of Serebii Joe because the majority of us who realize he's a dick are also massively terrified of him. This is also why no one makes fun of Gin, who runs the major Pokémon comms on LJ, incidentally. It's not that we don't have something to say about her and how dramatic she can be; it's just that we're really fucking terrified of her and the people around her. But I'm anon, so I don't really give a shit.Then you've got the other BNFs. There's
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A tl;dr that I'm sure could use a few more expletives, 2/2
September 20 2011, 03:45:48 UTC
Then, of course, I also have to address what was already said about the way you confront the wank. Like the other anon said, not everyone hates you because of the SJ wank or wank in general. It's because you tend to be very confrontational about things (like, overly so), and some people feel that even if they tried to explain things to you, you just wouldn't get it. Or at least that's what I've gotten out of a scan-by of the PD thread, anyway. So some people decided to turn that frustration into a joke, and the joke caught on
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Re: A tl;dr that I'm sure could use a few more expletives, 2/2blackjackrocketSeptember 20 2011, 04:20:34 UTC
Well a lot of the time I'm not in a confrontational mood until people start yelling at me for some slight that, to go by their vaguest of explainations, exists mostly in their minds. I honestly try not to piss people off. They just take offense to everything I do or say, and everything I could possibly be interested in. And I do try to understand. But what they tell me I'm "doing wrong" just strikes me as blather rather than anything that I'm actually doing wrong. Their explainations make no sense, and rather than phrase it differently or continue to explain, they accuse me of deliberately trying to not understand, or of not wanting to understand, etc
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Same title, different post. 1/2
September 20 2011, 05:49:01 UTC
Not going to argue with frequency because, honestly, I'd be biased in that regard. I just know that there are times where it seems like you were confrontational for no apparent reason (one of which I'll get into in a moment for a proper example to something else), and unfortunately, whether or not you intended on sounding confrontational ends up not mattering if people take it the wrong way. I guess what I'm trying to say is, yeah, I can understand that you'd be defensive if people yell at you. I can also understand if you didn't actually mean to sound a certain way, especially, to put it lightly and as PC as possible, you don't think the way other people do, so you probably don't even realize you'd sound confrontational to someone else. People don't realize that about you, either, so there's a communication breakdown there in that they don't understand why you're not getting it while you don't understand where there might be a problem in the first place. It takes careful phrasing to bridge that kind of gap, and really, most of
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Same title, different post. 2/2
September 20 2011, 05:49:43 UTC
Concerning PD, I really can't argue for or against it. Like you said, even the current mods agree that it was a dick move. The only thing you should really take away from that entire exchange was the possibility that they had, if taken out of context, an actual point - but only if you take it out of context, really. The Aesop is pretty much that communication breakdowns happen. Sure, PD wasn't the best example (and if anything, the one that might tell you who I am is), but there are people out there who feel like some of the things you say to them are confrontational, whereas you probably think the things they're saying right back to you in the same tone of voice is taking a jab at you. So I guess the short of it is that the reason why that other anon mentioned that you don't get it is because people who interact with you and vice versa don't get each other. Hence you end up in situations like PD, where one side just doesn't want to get you because they are (or were) too damn lazy to do it
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Re: Same title, different post. 2/2blackjackrocketSeptember 20 2011, 06:11:11 UTC
No, I think the Aseop with the PD thing is that people are dicks. It turned out later that they admitted publically to lying to me. Or rather, they revealed their true reasons, which had not come up at all during the time of the actual banning
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Plus, like the anon below said, like it or not you have achieved something of meme-like status so there isn't much you can do but ride it out...just like Dethtoll did when saying 'Hi Dethtoll' was a meme here.
Tl;dr, Dethtoll could outlast his meme because not that many people thought it was funny enough to keep it going to begin with. BJR doesn't have that option because there's a lot of people (in this fandom and sometimes in general, the latter in the case of anyone who brings up Hurricane Katrina) who are too stupid to know she's an old meme ( ... )
That's really most of what's wrong with this fandom in general. People are more apt to start drama than get along (probably because this fandom has always been like that on a level, so now everyone has this stupidly elitist or otherwise delusional mentality going on on one level or another), which is really fucking hilarious if you think about it because when you get right down to it, most of the canon preaches about teamwork and friendship, am I right? But you can't really tell anyone anything like "grow ( ... )
As for the hate-on, yeah, I love weird metaphors and just wanted to establish the fact that I'm one of those people you mentioned on your LJ who don't particularly like you but would like to punch out people who try to cash in on your memes for failing to stfu.
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