Katchoo, as it happened, didn't have a bad feeling about today. (If you thought about it a certain way, this was probably a really good thing for everyone.)
. . . well. No more of one than she did about any other day, her tirade over last night's radio broadcast notwithstanding.
It was going to get kind of messy by the cash register today, since she tuned in to the classic rock station as soon as she arrived, then set up an easel for a productive day of . . . very frustrated painting.
[OOC: The OCD tried to escape Skullcrusher Mountain, and the mountain is covered with wolves. *blames
twohalvesofaphd for the earworm, with love*
ETA: Zombies welcome, though subject to bouts of AFK/SPness until late afternoon PST so after about 5PM EST would be better. :)]