Title: The Blame Game
Prompt: H/W Challenge Day 23
Fandom: Crossfire Trail
Pairings: JT/Rock
Warnings: Mpreg, Slash
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I Own Nothing
Summary: Rock agrees to become JT's personal man servant during the last few days of JT's pregnancy, since apparently it's "His Fault." Lol
JT finished his third bowl of peppermint ice cream and sat the empty bowl on the coffee table. "Rock!" He yelled to his husband. "I Want More!" JT could hear his husband's heavy sigh from the kitchen where he was scooping more of the peppermint ice cream. "How much longer do I have to be your personal slave?" Rock asked as he walked into the front room where JT was resting on the couch.
"Until this kid is out of me, and the doctor takes me off of bed rest." JT told him, rubbing his over grown belly. "Let's not forget your the one that did this to me..." He added. Rock raised an eyebrow."So I was the one lying on my back begging for my cock nine months ago, was I?" He asked. JT growled at his husband and shoved him back towards the kitchen with his foot. "Shut up and go get me some pickles." He said as he dug into the ice cream. Rock grinned. "I love you too, dear." He chuckled as he walked back to the kitchen.