Title: Christmas Dinner....Again
langstonloverPrompt: H/W Challenge Day 26
Fandom: Crossfire Trail, Hide, Love Song, Young Guns
Pairings: JT/Rock
Warnings: None
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I Own Nothing
Summary: JT and Rock have to prepare a second Christmas dinner for their guests who couldn't make it to Wyoming in time for Christmas Day.
"I've never heard of anyone having a second Christmas dinner, the day after Christmas before." Rock complained as JT continued setting the table for their late Christmas dinner with JT's two teenage cousins. "Honey, I'm not loving the idea either but Billy Ryan and Billy Ray couldn't make it here yesterday, so it's only fair to have another dinner for them."
"Like they deserve it!" Rock snapped. "Their outlaws, JT. For all we know they were to busy robbing stage coaches to show up yesterday." JT sighed and chuckled. "You're being ridiculous." He said, "Just because Billy the Kid is their grandfather, doesn't mean they're outlaws too." Suddenly someone knocked at the door. "Come in!" JT called. The door opened up and there stood Billy Ray and Billy Ryan Bonney, both still wearing their bandanas up over their mouths and noses, obviously an affect of having been out in the cold, snowy Wyoming air, but to Rock those bandanas meant that his theory had been right. "Told ya so." He mumbled as JT walked by him, on his way to greet his younger cousins.