Backstreet Boys - Kevin/Nick - 085, she

Feb 20, 2006 16:57

Title: She
Fandom: Backstreet Boys
Characters: Kevin Richardson/Nick Carter
Prompt: 085, she.
Word Count: 671
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Dark, angsty. If you're looking for happy, move right along because it's not here.

"No, I won't. You can't make me."

"Nick..." Kevin scrubbed his hands across his face and ran one hand through his spiky black hair.

"No. I'm not going home."

AJ looked as if he was about to say something, but one glance from Kevin and he snapped his mouth closed.

"You don't have a choice, Nicky." Howie seemed to be the only one who could get away with calling a fifteen year old boy 'Nicky', and even he seemed to save it for the times when it counted the most. He sighed when Nick's eyes met his, hurt and suspiciously wet.

"Sure I do." His voice was soft, as if he knew that his one last ditch effort was going to be for naught. "I can go home with Kevin, or Brian, or-"

"Not this time, Nick." Kevin rested his hand on the teen's shoulder, feeling the rock hard tension in the muscles beneath his fingers. "Your mom needs to see you, Nick. And your dad, and Angel and Aaron-"

"What if I don't wanta see HER?"

The silence in the room was all the answer he needed.

"Fine. But you can't make me stay, not this time." He began pulling his things out of the dresser drawer in his and AJ's hotel room, and shoving them haphazardly into his backpack. "I'll go home, I'll be nice, even though she won't be, and then I'm leaving. I won't stay there. You don't know how she treats me, the things she says to me, the things she says about me when she thinks I'm not around."

"She's your mom, Nick."

"Yeah? Like that matters?" Nick snorted as he looked up at Brian. There was no way any of them could understand what it was like to be him. No one knew, no one would ever know, because he'd just this second decided that the only way to deal was to just shut up about it. He'd go home and endure the berating, the demands for more money to put in 'his' savings account, the jeers about being the pretty boy of the group. He'd go home and close himself off emotionally because wasn't that the way other kids coped? He was sure it was. Not that any of these other four would know anything about what it was like.

Good thing he was the baby, the pretty one. It was the only thing that could save him. In his dreams, his worst nightmares, one of the others always came to his rescue. Most of the time it was Kevin, but he figured that was because Kev was the oldest. There really couldn't be any other reason, right?

Sitting on the edge of his bed he pulled on his worn sneakers. Just as he was tying the left shoe, there was a sound in the doorway.

"Nickolas? You were supposed to meet me downstairs. You're late."

"Hi, mom."

"Now the taxi is going to cost more, because I told him to wait. Just once can't you do what you're supposed to do?"

"Sorry," he whispered. Turning back toward his friends, he didn't quite meet their eyes. "Bye, guys. I'll see you in a couple of months."

He followed his mother down the hall, his eyes already dull and lifeless, as she went on and on about something else on her endless litany of his failings.

"My god, with all the money you make you can't afford better looking shoes? Stand up straight ..."

Once again Kevin rubbed his hand over his face. "I'll go get him. I'll give him a week, and then I'll drive down."

"I'll go with you," Brian nodded. "We'll take turns, I know my mom'd love to have him."

"He'll be okay, Kevin," Howie agreed, patting his back. "He will."

"Sure he will," AJ said with what he hoped was a confident smile.

"He'd better be," Kevin stated, in that quiet way he had that made most people cringe. "Let's go, I'll call you all in a few days."

tbc, not sure yet which prompt

~ 2/20/06 ~


bsb: kevin richardson/nick carter

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