Title: Therein Lies Strength
Fandom: LOTR
Character: Samwise
Prompt: 081. How?
Word Count: 390
Rating: G
Long after the others of the Company had fallen into exhausted slumber, Samwise Gamgee lay awake, unable to find the same release from that terrible day. He was not usually the sort to worry about things over which he had little control; but then, he could not remember a time when he felt so lost and full of despair.
Galdalf was gone! Galdalf the Grey, the mightiest wizard he had ever known. Come to think on it, the only wizard he had ever known - and their guide into Mordor. When the Company set forth from Rivendell, Sam had never really considered the possibility of Gandalf's leaving them. The wizard was so self-assured and powerful! Strider may have been the unspoken leader of the quest, but it was Gandalf who had the wisdom and knowledge of the forces they sought to challenge. And he was their only wizard! His magic, although he used it sparingly, was a comfort to them as much as it was a threat to the Dark Lord's forces.
Now Gandalf was gone. Fallen, past all hope and light. How were they to succeed now? What chance did they have without the wizard by their side?
Who will protect Mister Frodo and keep him from harm? Sam worried, staring through the shadowed branches overhead to the star dappled sky.
Without the security and comfort of the wizard's magic and friendship, how would Frodo be able to fight the dark power of the Ring? Sam could already see the strain on his dear Master's face as he struggled against the weight of the Thing. Not that Sam was any expert on such matters, but it seemed to him that it must take good magic to fight and defeat the bad. At the very least, surely Gandalf's magic would have helped to keep the dark power of the Ring at bay long enough for Frodo to complete his task.
Now Gandalf was gone, and what was to become of poor Mister Frodo now?
Long into the night, Samwise continued grieve and fret over the safety of his beloved Master, until at last his exhausted body demanded rest. As he drifted into a fitful sleep, never once did Sam realize that the greatest magic - and Frodo's strength - had not been lost. It was with them still, there within his own heart.