Title: Gossip Hour
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Ibu Shinji, Uchimura Kyousuke
Prompt: 057: Lunch
Word Count: 671
Rating: G
Summary: Shinji finds out about how doubles pairs work and makes a connection of his own.
Author's Notes: Shinji and Uchimura are 13.
Main table can be found
here *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Shinji poked at his lunch. He knew that he should eat if he didn’t want to lower his resistance to the flu that was going around, but for some reason, the fish balls in his lunch just weren’t appealing to him. They were too round, too…fishy, and frankly, the thought of eating them made Shinji’s stomach turn in ways that even the most acrobatic of tennis players would envy.
I probably have the flu already. Akira and Tetsu both have it, so it would stand to reason that I would catch it, too. In which case, maybe eating isn’t a good thing, because then I might throw up, and I don’t like throwing up, and if I get sick, they’ll make me go home….
Shinji’s musings were interrupted when someone plopped down across from him, pulling a chair up to Shinji’s desk. Shinji looked up, faintly surprised at the presence. “Uchimura…you’re here?”
“Yup.” He took out his own lunch and looked at it. “Seems we’re the only team members that were spared. I went down to the third years’ wing, and even Tachibana-san is out.”
“An-chan isn’t here, either. I guess they infected each other.” Shinji resumed rolling his fish balls around his bento box. “At least there’s no upcoming tournaments. It seems like half of Kanto is laid out with this bug.”
Uchimura nodded. “I called Mori this morning-he’s got it really bad, you know-and he said that he saw Hyotei’s Ohtori in the doctor’s office yesterday afternoon, looking like he was going to just die.” He snickered. “And that doubles partner of his, you know, the one that Tachibana-san destroyed? He was right there, looking like he’d do anything to save his lady love.”
“Lady love?” Shinji blinked. “But Ohtori isn’t a girl. I know some of the tennis players can be mistaken for girls, but I think that Ohtori is one of the few that can’t be, so it’s kind of cruel to insinuate otherwise-”
“Don’t you get it, Ibu?” At Shinji’s blank look, Uchimura shook his head. “They’re doubles players. Everyone knows that the relationship between doubles players is…special.”
“Special…oh.” Shinji blushed a little. “But I play doubles with Akira, and our relationship isn’t special…well, it is, but it isn’t special like that.”
“Yeah, but you aren’t a fixed doubles pair. That makes all the difference.” Uchimura pointed out examples on his fingers. “Seigaku’s Golden Pair. That other doubles pair at Hyotei, the one with that really bendy guy. There’s that pair at Yamabuki, and I think that there might be one at St. Rudolph’s, but you can never tell about those boys. But you see what I mean.”
Shinji nodded slowly. “I think I do…so. Are you and Mori dating, then?”
Uchimura nearly spit out the sip of water he had been drinking. “What?!” he asked oh-so intelligently.
“Well, you said fixed doubles pairs. And, outside of the rare practice, you never play doubles with anyone but Mori, and he never plays doubles with anyone but you. So that would mean that you are together, right? Using your own logic about doubles pairs, you two must have been dating for some time. It wasn’t very nice of you to not tell us about it, don’t you trust us?”
“I…well…I…you see, we’re not….” Uchimura looked at his watch. “Would you look at the time? Lunch is almost over! I better go.” Uchimura hastily gathered up his leftovers and stuffed them into a bag. “I’ll see you later, Ibu-don’t get sick!” He took off out of the room before Shinji could comment further.
When he looked at the clock, though, Shinji saw that Uchimura had been right about one thing. Lunch was indeed almost over. He looked down at the lunch he had never eaten and sighed. Either he was getting sick, or he just wasn’t hungry, but either way, bringing home his lunch would get his mother fussing over him.
Shinji tossed his lunch in the trash without looking back.
--The End--