Title: Color Mixing
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Yanagi Renji, Niou Masaharu, Yukimura Seiichi, rest of Rikkai
Prompt: 016 Purple
Word Count: 1,457
Rating: PG
Summary: Renji becomes Niou's partner in crime for a night - and Yukimura is the victim
Author's Notes: Inspired by a fellow RPer's Yukimura and something our characters got to talking about one night.
My LDT found
here ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
"This isn't fair." Seiichi said from his little corner.
"You're going to end up sleeping on someone anyway, but we're going try this first." Renji said as he and Genichiro banished their captain to the corner.
"I like to snuggle. What's wrong with that?" Seiichi asked, perfectly innocent.
There were a few snickers from the other side of the room. "Or kill people!" Akaya cried out from the furthest point away from the three.
"I didn't mean to do that, Akaya." Seiichi said.
Renji was just smiling a little as their team settled down in the dark of the night. One advantage to rarely opening his eyes was the fact that no one could tell if he was awake or asleep. This night he had decided to stay awake until everyone else had fallen asleep.
Genichiro was perfectly still and snoring softly. Akaya was starting to sprawl over onto Marui and Jackal, and almost on to Niou. Yagyuu was sleeping peacfully against another wall, and Seiichi was starting his usual sleep rolling. Renji never did understand how his friend could do that, but not roll out of bed during the night.
"Anyone still awake?" Niou asked quietly.
"I am." Renji answered just as softly as he felt Seiichi's head land on his back. He sighed a little as an arm wrapped around him.
"So you're bucho's teddy bear for the night." Niou teased.
Renji just gave him a look that promised death later. Like when their captain wasn't cuddling up against Renji. "I suppose so." He said.
Niou quietly crossed the room and re-settled between Renji and Genichiro. "You know, I've been wondering..." He started.
"I can't foresee anything good coming from this train of though, but what have you been wondering, Masaharu?" Renji asked.
"What would happen if we dyed his hair red?" Niou asked, his fingers grabbing a strand of Yukimura's hair.
"If it was bleached, it would take. Without bleaching, I'd it would probably highlight into a shade of violet." Renji said, putting some thought to the matter. Niou grinned.
"Hmm...Care to assist me?" Niou asked. Renji raised an eyebrow.
"You really want to do that to Seiichi? Do you have any idea how many laps we'll have to run?"
"Makes it all worth it." Niou said. "Bring him along." He said, rummaging through a bag. "There it is!"
Renji stared in Niou's general direction for a moment. "You were planning this, weren't you?"
"Puri" Niou just winked at their data master.
"I must admit, I'm curious to see this as well. That's the only reason I'm helping you out." Renji said, setting the dead weight of one of his best friends on his shoulders. "You're lucky Seiichi is such a heavy sleeper." Renji set Seiichi down on a chair, figuring he'd let Niou do the work while he kept Seiichi in an upright position.
"So why are you helping do this, Yanagi?" Niou asked, rubbing the hair dye into the shoulder length bluish hair. "I mean, if you're found out, you'll be running just as much as I am."
"Curiousity." Renji answered, trying not to let his eyes water from the chemicals in the dye. "And who says I'll be found out?" Renji paused, rubbing at his eyes. "How long does this have to set?" He asked.
"About 15 minutes should be good, and we'll rinse it out." Niou said, glancing at the clock, wondering what he could talk to Renji about for those few minutes. They weren't in the same class, but they had to have something in common they could talk about - other than tennis that is. "And you'll be found out. I always bring my partner in crime down with me."
"Would he believe you?" Renji said, smiling a little. "After all, I'm one of his best friends. I'm the one who wouldn't have been in on this in the first place."
Niou gave Renji one of his trademark smirks. "There's a bit of Trickster in the Master after all." He glanced back at the clock. "...I just realized we might wake him up by dumping water on him."
Renji shook his head. "Not a chance. We tried that once, remember? He just rolled over and mumbled something about how fun the water slide was."
Niou snickered as they manuevered Yukimura under the kitchen sink and started rinsing the red dye out of his hair. "This isn't permananent dye, is it?" Renji asked.
"Nah, one of those that washes out in about a week or so." Niou reassured him.
As the two boys got the dye rinsed out, and Renji dried up what he could with an old towel, they carried Yukimura back to the living room - the only room large enough to hold all eight boys. Akaya had finally sprawled more completely over three of his sempai, and Sanada hadn't moved at all. They dumped the blue haired boy back in his corner and tossed a blanket over him.
Renji went back to his space on the floor - close enough to Seiichi to push him back if Renji still happened to be awake, but closer to everyone else. Niou just threaded himself in the spaces that were left.
It was morning when Marui found a foot in his mouth, Yagyuu was holding on to Akaya's arm and trying to gnaw his finger off, and Akaya was face to face to Jackal when he woke up which sent both boys screaming. Sanada sighed, and tried to ignore everyone by burying his head under his pillow. Niou wasn't quite awake yet, and Renji knew everyone else was waking up except for the boy who's arms were wrapped around him.
"Akaya! Jackal! Stop screaming!" Sanada hollered at the two boys.
"Tell Yagyuu-sempai to stop sucking on my finger!" Akaya complained, trying to yank his arm away from his sempai, who was holding it hostage. Niou smirked, and tapped his friend in the arm and got him to let go of their youngest teammate's arm.
Renji just kept playing dead while everyone woke up. Once almost everyone else had gotten up and gotten dressed, him and Seiichi were still lying around in their pajamas. No one had noticed Seiichi's hair yet.
"Renji, I know you're awake. Get up, and wake Sei-..." Sanada started. "What happened to his hair?" He asked, looking confused. Last he knew Seiichi's hair was blue, not purple.
Renji rolled over, shoving Seiichi off his back in the process. Renji pretended to examine it. "Looks like it was dyed." He said.
"I can see that." Sanada said dryly, storming off to blame the most likely person. That left Renji and Seiichi alone. Renji got dressed, giving Seiichi a few extra minutes to sleep before he woke him up. Seiichi was rather cute and innocent looking while he slept, though sometimes Renji had heard some not-so-innocent mutters from the other teen while trying to wake the almost dead sleeper.
Renji finally decided to wake up the last of them. "Come on, Seiichi." He said, shaking the poor boy.
"Go away..." Seiichi said sleepily, trying to cuddle up to something that wasn't there. Renji frowned, and gave his friend a swift kick in the ass.
"Get up, Seiichi." Renji said.
"50 laps, Ren..." Seiichi said, his voice still thick with sleep. Renji sighed, and pulled Seiichi to his feet.
"Later." Renji said, pushing Seiichi towards the bathroom.
"I hate you." Seiichi said, blinking sleepily, but heading that way under his own power anyway. Renji counted down the seconds mentally. "What the hell?!" Seiichi said, upon seeing his hair. "NIOU!!!" He screamed.
Renji had followed his friend, quite interested in the reaction his friend would have to the prank. "It doesn't look too bad, Seiichi." Seiichi blinked, waking up a bit more fully.
"It's purple, Renji. Purple." Seiichi said, glaring at the formerly blue locks framing his face. "Masaharu is going to wish he was dead when I'm done with him."
"Genichiro has already gotten to him, so perhaps you should take it easy on him." Renji said softly.
Seiichi looked over at Renji, and noticed something on his bare arm. Seiichi grabbed the arm, and looked closely at it. "Renji, what's this?" Renji was suddenly cursing himself for sleeping in a sleeveless shirt this past night. Seiichi followed a line of dye on his arm.
"You know you move in your sleep. Perhaps you just happened to have brushed against me while it was still wet." Renji suggested, hoping Seiichi would buy that.
"I know that." Seiichi said softly. "But that looks rather deliberate." Seiichi smiled that evil smile of his. "Twice whatever Sanada gave Niou, and triple the amount of laps I assigned you for kicking my ass."