Title: Three
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Yanagi Renji, Yukimura Seiichi, Sanada Genichiro
Prompt: 097. Writer's Choice ("Answer")
Word Count: 2,696
Rating: R
Summary: The Rikkai Troika try to figure out love in their own way.
Author's Notes: Mention of sexual situations, but not in detail. Based on the translation of Renji's song "Answer".
My LDT found
here ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
There was something about the way they all fell together on the bench after practice, the way Renji would lean against Genichiro and the way Seiichi would lean against Renji's chest while they caught their breath.
High school was much more difficult than junior high, but they were still together, still ruling over the courts. Renji was glad they could all be like this. Unfortunately there was something that was making his heart ache. Renji idly wondered if Seiichi could hear how his heart pounded even after his breathing resumed its normal rate.
"I need to get home."
Seiichi turned around, resting his chin against Renji's shoulder and watched as Genichiro stalked out of the locker room. Renji spoke softly. "We should be going too." Seiichi turned his head a little.
"Should be." He said quietly, leaning closer, pressing his lips to Renji's, shocking the other into opening his eyes wide.
"Seiichi! Aren't...don't...?" Renji was very confused. As far as he knew, Seiichi was with Genichiro.
"We're very open to this possibility." Seiichi said quietly, but pulled away upon sensing Renji's discomfort.
"I...can't, Seiichi. It just wouldn't work." Renji said, turning to stash his equipment in silence.
"You're still hurting over him, aren't you?" Seiichi said, getting straight to the matter at hand. "You deserve better than that."
Renji just frowned and left the room, his face not betraying the fact that every word Seiichi had said was true.
"I think I love you..."
"We're too young for love. What we have is pure lust - a mutual benefit where we get sexual satisfaction from the other. I honestly don't believe that's love."
"I think it would be for the best if we just stop this now. For both our sakes."
"I wish I could show you that you're wrong."
Not a month ago that conversation had taken place - after the two had gotten the other off. Renji sighed as he slipped his shoes off and headed to his bedroom to do his homework. He thought about what had happened in the locker room. "We're quite open to this possibility." They were? Or did Seiichi see him as a toy - someone to play around with when his boyfriend wasn't willing?
I can't do that! Genichiro would kill me and Seiichi - he's just teasing me, right? Renji thought, staring at a blank page. He sighed and moved over to his bed, burying his head under his pillow. Why does life have to be so complex?
The next afternoon wasn't quite normal. Renji had counted at least 30 times that afternoon that Genichiro had given him a strange look - like he had wanted to ask something, but had thought better of it. And every time Renji had gotten close enough to ask Genichiro if something was on his mind he just got a negative shake of the head - and a "Tarundoru" during tennis practice.
Finally the day was over and they were heading for home. Seiichi had turned and headed for his own home leaving the other two alone. Renji was about to turn for his own home, but took a deep breath. "Last chance, Genichiro." He said.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Genichiro answered, adjusting his cap and turning away.
Renji wasn't about to let him get away with that. "Is Seiichi teasing me? And not in the good way." Renji asked out right. Perhaps actually asking a straight question would get him a straight answer.
"Why would he do that?" Genichiro asked, looking confused. He had the feeling something complicated was about to happen.
"You tell me." Renji said, stepping inside the other boy's personal space bubble. "Especially when he feels the need to do things like this to me." Renji said, pressing his lips against the other's. Renji pulled back after a few seconds and smiled sadly. "That's what I thought." He whispered, turning to head for home.
"This is what you want as well, isn't it?" The quiet voice whispered in his ear, nibbling on the ear. There was another mouth, this one on kissing his chest, unbuttoning his shirt, fingers and lips teasing his nipples. "Two people can do so much more to you than only one of us can."
Renji felt his dream-self wrap his arms around the one that was teasing him as slender arms wrapped around him from behind.
"This... No..." Renji whispered. "This is wrong..." He whispered, trying to convince himself. It can't be right. Could it?
It was the buzzing of the alarm clock that woke Renji. He stared at it, then groaned a little when he noticed that his body had decided something on its own. When will puberty end? He thought to himself, and peeked out from his room and hurriedly stepped into the bathroom, running water for a shower.
Renji let the water wash over him, taking deep breaths, ignoring his body's need, the unwanted erection eventually fading back to normal. It's just lust. It's not love. Neither of them would return those feelings anyway. And they have each other. I'm nothing special.
"Hurry up in there!" Renji's sister called from the other side of the door. "Other people need to use the shower too."
"Give me a minute!" Renji called back, turning the water off, and hurriedly got dressed. Tennis practice would be quite interesting today.
"About time." Renji's sister said as she slipped past him. Renji just frowned, and headed downstairs, and skipped breakfast, heading straight for practice. He was earlier than usual, and was thankful that he could change in peace.
Renji was stretching when he heard the soft footsteps behind him. His face was down as he stretched his arms to his feet, feeling the pull in his legs and back. "Not now, Seiichi." He said, figuring Seiichi would be the only other person at practice this early. Renji got a grunt in answer, as rough, strong, large hands that definitely were not Seiichi's pushed on his back. Renji turned his head to the side. "Genichiro, about yesterday..." Renji started after he had confirmed the identity of the person behind him.
"Renji, it didn't happen. Let's leave it at that." Renji frowned. Apparently Genichiro hadn't told Seiichi about what happened. "And we're not telling Seiichi."
"You're not telling Seiichi what?" Seiichi asked as he jumped on Genichiro's back.
Renji looked down at the ground. "Nothing." Renji said, standing up to finish his warm up. "Or perhaps Genichiro will tell you." Renji took off towards the gym.
"Genichiro, what happened?" Seiichi asked, concerned. He didn't want his best friends fighting. Genichiro just adjusted his hat and got to doing his own stretching. "Tell me." Seiichi said in a more commanding tone.
"It doesn't concern you, Seiichi." Was all he said, stalking off as well. Seiichi frowned, but didn't press any deeper for answers since more people were starting to arrive for practice and there wouldn't be time for them to straighten this out. It was then that Seiichi had what he thought was a great idea.
It was at lunch that Seiichi approached Renji. "Renji, please tell me what happened. Genichiro won't, and...It's really troubling me." Renji sighed. How do you tell your best friend that you kissed their boyfriend - and your *other* best friend.
It was either avoidance or the truth. "Seiichi...I'd rather not." Or a combination of avoidance and truth.
"Renji." Seiichi said so much with just his name.
Renji steeled himself for whatever Seiichi could throw at him. "Fine. I kissed Genichiro yesterday on the way home after you left."
Seiichi just stared at Renji for a few moments before smiling. Renji was confused. Seiichi was smiling? "That's the best news I've heard all day!" Seiichi said, throwing himself at Renji. Renji was just shocked into stillness as Seiichi hugged him. Slowly, Renji slid his arms around Seiichi once he figured out that Seiichi wasn't letting go.
"Seiichi, you can let go now." Renji murmured quietly, their classmates staring at the two boys entwined in each other's arms.
"You're no fun, Renji." Seiichi pouted, but pulled away, looking around, and pressing a kiss to Renji's lips when he was sure no one was watching.
Renji was frozen again. Seiichi was supposed to smack him, have a jealous fit of rage and leave in a huff. Instead, he was...happy? It didn't make any sense in Renji's head, but then again, Seiichi has defied every piece of data he'd ever gained.
Afternoon tennis practice was even stranger. Seiichi was in a rather good mood, though Genichiro seemed normal which was proven when Seiichi dismissed them earlier than usual and Genichiro just frowned in disapproval. Renji quickly showered, and just as quickly left. He didn't want to walk home with either of his friends that day.
It was after dinner when one of his friends knocked on the door. Renji just happened to the person closest to the door, and he was not happy when he saw who it was. "We need to talk." Renji nodded and stepped aside to let Genichiro in.
"I take it you've talked to Seiichi already." Renji said as he waited for the other remove his shoes and led the way to his room.
"I have." Genichiro said, not offering more than that until they were alone.
Renji closed the door behind, waiting for Genichiro to continue before saying anything that could potentially be taken the wrong way.
Renji sighed, feeling sorry for his friend. Renji was wondering exactly which one of them was the one caught in the middle now. Renji wrapped his arms around Genichiro, holding him silently.
"He wants me as well." Renji said quietly. "He loves you though. I don't want to get between that."
Genichiro turned around in Renji's arms, facing him. "You wouldn't." He stated simply, leaning in to return the favor from the previous day. Renji froze, shocked. A small smiled tugged at Genichiro's lips as he pulled away. "Would you feel better knowing that I have feelings for you as well?" He asked.
Renji pushed him away. "Please, don't do this to me." Renji said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I honestly don't care if you and Seiichi are in agreement on this. I don't want anyone at the moment, and I'll just cause trouble."
Genichiro frowned. "What are you afraid of, Renji?" He asked. "You want something from one or both of us, considering you're the one who started this between you and me. I'm happy as long as Seiichi is though."
Renji just looked away. "I can't answer that right now."
"Coward." Genichiro declared, walking out.
Renji frowned, and kicked at his desk. Damn it! I don't know what I want! What I want is for you two to leave me alone already. I'd rather be alone if it means I won't be so confused. Renji flopped on his bed. I wish this would just stop. Why can't we just go back to being friends? Renji stared up at the ceiling, arm resting over his eyes. To any deity listening, just...quit screwing with my life. Please.
Renji was glad the next day was Saturday. A day he could hide, and not deal with the drama of his friends and himself. A day he could curl up with a good book. That was exactly what he was doing when his phone rang in the early afternoon. He glanced at the display and debated not answering it. Of course, knowing his friends they wouldn't give up that easily and they'd hunt him down until Renji would talk to them.
"Yes?" He asked, not even bothering to be polite when he answered.
"Don't sound so cheery, Renji." Seiichi's voice teased from the other side. "What are you doing today?"
Renji considered this for a few seconds. He could tell the truth, get dragged out somewhere with Seiichi -and possibly Genichiro- and be forced to have fun, or he could lie and say he has a familial obligation. Renji sighed softly, hoping that Seiichi wouldn't notice. "Nothing important." Renji truthfully answered.
"Then come over to my house this afternoon." Seiichi pretty much commanded him, a hint of playfulness in his voice. "We're going to get dirty." He said. Renji's eyes widened at that as Seiichi hung up on him. Renji debated just not going at all, but he knew he would be risking the wrath of his friend, and he'd rather not have that, so he got up and slid his shoes on, heading outside and walking slowly over to his friend's house, hoping that Seiichi hadn't been implying what Renji thought he was implying.
Renji knocked politely, and was greeted by Seiichi's mother. "Sanada-kun and Seiichi are in the backyard. I know they were expecting you, so go on around." She said.
"Thank you." Renji said, tracking through the side yard, into the back yard where Seiichi's parents let him have a small garden. He found Genichiro pulling weeds and Seiichi planting a few new specimens.
"About time you got here, Renji." Seiichi said, smiling a little. Renji breathed a small sigh of relief as he realized Seiichi had meant that literally.
"You need my help as well? It looks like you and Genichiro have things fairly under control." Renji said, turning to leave again.
"Oh, come on, Renji, we haven't spent time together - just the three of us - lately." Seiichi practically complained, using a tone of voice that brooked no arguments from anyone. Renji frowned. Ever since Seiichi and Genichiro had become an item Renji had felt like a third wheel, and didn't like intruding on their time together, so he had distanced himself from them whenever possible. "Come help me plant these." Seiichi said, pulling Renji over to help him with some flowers that were going into flower pots instead of the ground.
Renji had to admit that getting his fingers in the dirt was rather fun and rather calming after Seiichi showed him the proper way to plant the flowers. Renji thought it was rather inappropriate the way Seiichi draped himself around Renji - the way Genichiro glared at the both of them, even though it was just a mask. Renji knew one or both of them were up to something.
After an hour and a half of weed pulling, various plantings, the three boys were taking a break, sitting in the yard back to back to back. "Nothing like playing in the dirt to relax, right?" Seiichi said, smiling happily.
"Your idea of relaxing and mine are not exactly the same." Genichiro said, but it wasn't snappish like usual. Renji just smiled a little. It had been a long time since they had done anything together, and Renji hadn't felt as out of place as usual.
Renji sighed happily. "Seiichi? Genichiro? Do you mind if I ask you two a question?" Renji asked, wanting to know, but not wanting to know at the same time. "What do you think true love is?"
Seiichi just smiled knowingly. "I know what true love is." He said softly. "You can't explain it. It's something that has to be experienced." Genichiro nodded in agreement. "So what do you think it is, Renji?"
Renji just stared up at the clouds.
"It's fate, you know." Seiichi said quietly, rolling onto his side, poking Renji in his side. "You can't fight fate."
"I suppose you can't." Renji said, sitting up to escape the poking. Why couldn't it be enough that they stay like this - three friends, two of whom were in love. Renji pulled his knees up to his chest, his arms wrapping around his long legs. He felt the large hand on his shoulder, snaking quietly around his back and another arm lifting his chin up and kissing him softly on his lips.
"Fate finds a way to keep things as they should be."
Perhaps that was the truth to end all truths. Perhaps things would be like that forever.
But if anyone asked Yanagi Renji what he thought true love was, he would just smile and not answer.