Title: Cyclic Nature
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Yanagi Renji, Inui Sadaharu
Prompt: 028. Children
Word Count: 361
Rating: PG
Summary: A dream passed to a new generation...
Author's Notes:
My LDT found
here ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
There were promises made at an age where the world still seems like your oyster, and nothing one could say or do could take those promises away from you.
"We'll take on the world together, right?"
The words were familiar to Renji, but they stung at his heart a little hearing them come from his own son. The words were also familiar to the man sitting next to him. Inui turned towards his brother-in-law. "That sounds familiar."
Renji smiled a little. "I think they have more of a chance of doing so than we did." He said quietly.
"The twins think they're going to go professional one day."
"They could, Sadaharu."
"I know they could. I...just don't know what I'll do if they do."
"You'll support them in any way you can. It's what we do as parents." Renji said quietly, wondering if his own son would want to follow his cousins or friends into that world. "The twins can do it, and 'Tarou and Gennosuke definitely could if they wanted to." Renji was about to say something, but thought it might be more hurtful than anything.
"You're settled, and you're in a place that makes you and your family happy, Renji. There's nothing wrong with that."
"Other than you stole my sister away."
"Renji..." Inui frowned.
"I know. You have four lovely children. I just like teasing you about it. You should move here. It's lovely."
"We're happy where we are as well, Renji. Is Ami-chan going to join the tournament?"
"She wants to play doubles with Gennosuke. He refuses to play mixed doubles with her. And 'Tarou doesn't really want to, but he might just so she can."
"Too bad you won't be their coach for a few years. I've heard Rikkai's junior high hasn't done well since you were in school."
"I'm sure that will change soon." Renji said, smiling a 'I know something you don't' smile.
"Do you really have faith in two first years?"
"Two first years that have consistently won against older opponents. They'll have an interesting time, if nothing else." Renji said, sitting back to watch their children play a relaxing game of tennis.