Title: Wish
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Ibu Shinji, Kamio Akira
Prompt: 095: New Year
Word Count: 215
Rating: G
Summary: New Year's traditions.
Author's Notes: This was my response to a challenge
skyangel2009 gave me: "KamioxShinji - First temple visit of the new year." It fits, so I'm using it!
Main table can be found
here *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Kamio watched Shinji as he clapped, bowed, and rang the bell at the shrine. He only did the temple thing because it was tradition, but Shinji seemed to take the whole thing seriously, which Kamio couldn't wrap his mind around. To all appearances, Shinji seemed to be one of the last people to buy into the temple nonsense…so why did he take it so seriously?
He kept the question to himself as he watched Shinji go through the steps of ritual, then seem to enter into quiet contemplation for several minutes before tossing another coin into the box and bowing again. He turned to Kamio, adjusting the folds of his yukata. "You look cold…are you ready to go home, Akira?"
Kamio nodded, staring at Shinji. "Why do you do it?" he blurted out.
Shinjui looked a little confused. "Do what?"
"All this." Kamio's gesture took in the entirety of the temple grounds as they walked away. "What's the point of it? It's not like it's real."
Shinji looked at Kamio a little sadly, the look that was given to someone who claimed to know everything, but did not. "It's nice, Akira. It's nice to be able to believe in something other than just yourself."
--The End--