Title Letters
Rating PG
Prompt #042, Triangle
Fandom Linkin Park
Summary As if Chester wasn't going to die alone
Title Letters (triangle)
Fandom LP
Rating I have no idea ;___;
Summary Stupid little Chester, as if he wasn't going to die alone.
When Chester was a stupid little daydreaming kid from East-Jesus-Nowhere, Arizona, just south of Somewhere With Cacti, he had a pen-friend in Los Angeles. He’d write him every week and they pair of them would talk about meeting up and living out this awesome life together free of rules and parents and whatever.
Stupid little Chester with his head up his ass. As if he was going to ever get out of Arizona, as if he was going to die anywhere but here. Alone.
This kid in LA, his name is Bradford and his parents make him go to Hebrew school and he writes dirty jokes in broken Hebrew in his letters with translations underneath in his chicken scratch handwriting. Bradford has never been punched by his dad or raped by his best friend. Bradford has no idea Chester has, either.
When Chester is a stupid dropout little daydreaming asswipe from East-Bumblefuck, Arizona, he has a pen-friend who is in law school now. Bradford goes by ‘Brad’ now, and he is learning what the defences are for somebody being sued for libel whilst Chester is flipping burgers for minimum wage.
He has no money, but in every letter he signs off with his name and ‘I’ll see you soon.’
In his dreams he is a rock star. Him and Brad, they’re on tour together, they’re in love. They’re living the anti-American dream, and they’re fucking happy. But in real life he is stuck here forever, whilst Brad is destined for bigger and better things.
When Brad writes about Mike in his letters Chester gets jealous. Mike wasn’t there when Brad was being bullied when he was young for having to wear a kippah. Mike wasn’t there when he was being talked down to by his parents for being gay.
But neither was Chester, really.
And now there’s Mike. And in his dreams Chester tours alone whilst Brad and Mike stand in the audience, at the back of the room.
When Brad writes about him and Mike going on vacation for a little while Chester gives up hope. Their vacation isn’t to Arizona like he’d prayed, it’s to Europe. And who can blame them?
Chester writes back wishing them a good time.
Then he takes too many painkillers, and he gets in his car.