Prince of Tennis: Ibu Shinji, 046: Star

Aug 24, 2008 23:58

Title: Silver Surprise
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Ibu Shinji, Oishi Syuichiro, Kamio Akira, Tachibana Kippei, Tachibana An, Mori Tatsunori, Ishida Tetsu, Sakurai Masaya, Uchimura Kyosuke, Fuji Syusuke, and special guest star Uchimura Kohei (yes, the Japanese Olympic gymnast)
Prompt: 046: Star
Word Count: 1,089
Rating: PG
Summary: A special guest at a "family" reunion.
Author's Notes: I totally blame skyangel2009 for this. Her and her “shiny bendy” Olympic gymnast!

Main table can be found here and here.


Shinji leaned against a wall, beer in hand, smiling at the scene in front of him. It had been so long since he had seen his old friends-not since before he had gone to America, and he hadn’t seen Sakurai since he had gotten hurt-that it was nice to just be able to get together and hang out without anything pressing.

He had been less happy to be used as an excuse for said gathering, but he had never been able to say no to Tachibana, not since he was twelve, and he clearly hadn’t developed the ability anytime since then.

From the moment Shinji had arrived with Oishi in tow, he had been surrounded by friends-by family--and he was enjoying this chance to just catch his breath, take a drink, and enjoy what he was seeing.

Shinji’s eyes, as always, went to Oishi first. Oishi had been nervous about coming to an all-Fudomine event even when Shinji had assured him that dates were allowed, but Oishi had relaxed as soon as Tachibana had arrived with his date beside him. He smiled as he watched Oishi talking animatedly to Fuji, and smiled more when he saw how Tachibana’s hand rested low on Fuji’s back in a proprietary way. He’ll be good for Kippei…Kippei deserves the best, and Fuji might be close enough to that.

From there, Shinji’s gaze wandered over to where Kamio and Ishida were busy trying to catch popcorn with their mouths, much to the amusement of their dates. Shinji wholeheartedly approved of Ishida’s girlfriend, a petite, peppery girl that seemed to keep Ishida on his toes, and as for Kamio’s companion…. Shinji’s gaze was drawn to the subdued sparkle on An’s left hand and wondered how that had escaped comment so far. Not for much longer, Shinji mused. How dare Akira go and get himself engaged and not tell me? He wasn’t angry, though, just amused.

He had to fight back laughter as he watched Sakurai jump onto his old doubles partner’s back, ignoring the scolding from his wife. That had surprised Shinji, Masaya being married, and he just wished he could’ve been invited to the wedding. The reason for the fast wedding was clear, though, from the slight swell of his wife’s belly, and Shinji was glad that the marriage seemed to have a firm basis in love, a love that was obvious when he gazed at his wife. “We had planned to get married after I graduated,” Masaya had explained sheepishly, “but the little one here had other ideas. Once the baby’s born, we’re going to celebrate properly.”

“You’re thinking deep thoughts, Shin.”

Shinji felt someone settle in next to him, and he turned to look Mori. “I guess. Just…thinking about how we’ve changed, Tatsu. Masaya’s married. Tetsu seems to have finally given up serial dating. Kippei’s found someone to put up with him. Aki…well, nothing there has changed in a long time.” They both chuckled. “You didn’t bring a date.”

Mori shrugged. “I’m between relationships right now.” He raked a hand through his hair. “Not a big deal. I’ll probably have someone by the time Masaya welcomes his baby. Masaya as a father. Can you imagine?”

“I’m trying and it’s not working,” Shinji commented dryly. “Not when he’s still a big kid, himself.” They both laughed, and Shinji looked around the room again. “Kyosuke’s late,” he said.

“I just called him, actually. He had to pick up his guest from the train station, and the train was running late. Snow, or something.”

Shinji looked at Mori quizzically. “Guest?”

Mori shook his head. “He gave up dating a couple months ago. Seems his favorite cousin is in town, and he wants to show him off a little.”

“Show…him off.” Shinji blinked. “Have I told you at all how I have no idea how you managed to play doubles with Kyo? I don’t understand him.”

“Truth be told, I never did, either.” Mori shrugged. “I think it was better that way, honestly…finally!” Mori straightened. “He’s here.”

Shinji didn’t even question how Mori knew that before the door even opened, just accepted it when Uchimura came into the room, pulling a shy-looking man behind him. “Fashionably late, Kyo?” he asked.

“Shinji!” Uchimura ran over to hug Shinji. “How was America? Did you do anything crazy? But wait! Everyone! Come here!”

Shinji was left reeling as Uchimura bounced back over to the other man-his cousin, Shinji assumed-and started pulling both their coats off. “Alright…who let him into the sugar?”

Mori laughed. “He’s cut off. Should we join the crowd before Kyo drags us?”

“Good idea.” The two joined the small cluster around Uchimura and his companion in time to hear Kamio say, “Hey, he looks kinda familiar.”

“He should.” Uchimura grinned. “You’ve all see him before.”

Shinji drifted over to stand next to Oishi. “I do feel like we’ve seen him before, but where?” he murmured.

Oishi nodded in agreement and was about to say something, but Uchimura started talking again. “He’s famous, you know.”

“Kyosuke!” Uchimura’s companion blushed. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because you lost the bet,” Uchimura said, almost gleefully.

Shinji couldn’t help chuckling. It was nice to see that Uchimura was still daring and betting people into awkward situations. It was even nicer to see that he wasn’t involved this time.

“Are you going to get on with the introduction, Kyo?” Mori asked. “You can humiliate him later, right?”

Uchimura nodded. “Yeah, yeah. Anyway. Last time you saw him, he had a silver medal around his neck. Everyone, I want you to meet my cousin…Uchimura Kohei.”

Shinji turned pale. “Syuichiro,” he whispered. “Please don’t tell me…that in front of us is the same gymnast that we spent the entire Olympics talking about how we’d like to take him to bed and see just how flexible he is?”

Next to Shinji, Oishi was a deep scarlet. “I wish I could…he’s just as cute in person, though.”

“No!” Shinji hissed. “I am not thinking that about someone who’s related to family.” He sighed, seeing that Kyosuke was dragging Kohei in their direction. “Just…try to forget about it, and ‘Chiro, dear? Please don’t be a fanboy? I won’t if you won’t.” He managed to plaster a smile on his face just as the cousins reached them.

Watching Uchimura Kohei, though, Shinji knew he was going to have a hard time keeping the naughty thoughts at bay…and he knew he’d greatly enjoy comparing said thoughts with Oishi, later, in their bedroom.

--The End--

prince of tennis: ibu shinji

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