Title: Sleeves
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Yanagi Renji, Kirihara Akaya, Yukimura Seiichi
Prompt: 063. Summer
Word Count: 202
Rating: G
Summary: Kirihara wonders why Yanagi wears long sleeves in summer.
Author's Notes:
My LDT found
here ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
It was a relatively normal day on Rikkai's tennis courts. The tennis club regulars were practicing fiercely, with Kirihara challenging the Three Demons yet again, and still getting his ass kicked soundly.
Yukimura was chuckling quietly to himself. He was the first one to defeat Kirihara yet again. "Keep trying, Akaya." He said.
Kirihara just grumbled about losing yet again to their captain and wandered off to challenge Yanagi-sempai.
"Akaya, you should rest a little before playing yet another match." Yanagi advised.
"I'm fine!" Kirihara insisted, but looked curiously at his sempai. "How can you stand to wear that jacket in this heat?" He asked.
Yanagi chuckled. "It's part of my training." He said in all seriousness
"Yeah, right. What's the real reason?" Kirihara insisted. "I mean, look at the other sempai. Most of them are wearing muscle shirts and you're wearing a long sleeved jacket. You're either weird, or you have some reason."
"Honestly, I'm cold. And I won't have a sunburn on top of it." Yanagi finally admitted.
"But…you're wearing shorts?" Kirihara was very confuse.
"I never said my legs were cold."
Kirihara sighed. "You're weird, sempai." He said and walked off, forgetting completely about challenging Yanagi-sempai to a match.