Title: Life of a Low-Rent Villain: When I was a Child.../Time Stands Still/Probably Going to French Kiss
Fandom: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Character: Billy
Prompt: 1. Beginnings, 2. Middles, and 3. Ends
Word Count: 300 (100 words per drabble)
Rating: PG (For Billy using a bad word)
Summary: The life cycle of a low-rent villain. It was all he ever wanted until he met Penny.
Author's Notes: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog prequel and goes into act one. Written in the form of three drabbles.
My Little Damn Table (14/100)
When I Was a Child...
He remembers what it was like in the beginning. Back when everything was ideal and perfect and right. It was before he had to worry about if Penny loved him and even knew he existed. Back in those days there was little need to be Billy except when he went out into the world. He could just pull on his mask to be Dr. Horrible and everything could be okay.
If the world didn’t need Billy, then he didn’t see a need for the world either. All he needed was his blog and he could conquer the world, no problem.
Time Stands Still
Billy didn’t expect to meet Penny. The laundromat was hardly a place he could consider for picking up chicks. Not that he flirted if ever, Moist having to be the person to be the lady’s man of their little circle of friends. Penny was different than the endless girls and occasionally men that Moist tossed his way. She was so pure, so unthreatening, her face clean of any cosmetics, or hair flowing down her back with a slight hint of wave, her chest small and delicate.
It was enough for him to want to be Billy again. For her sake.
Probably Going to French Kiss
It ends in alley of all things. Billy’s holding his throat and trying to get to his feet without collapsing. But there are things collapsing around him as he turns to see Captain Hammer making goo-goo eyes at Penny.
Stop looking at her like that.
No! Hammer’s taking credit for his miracle, for his last minute save. Penny’s fawning over him like he’s hung the moon. He should have been the one getting Penny’s love, Penny’s thanks, Penny’s everything. It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t fucking fair!
Very well. If she wouldn’t accept sweet Billy, Dr. Horrible would have to do.