Title: Games
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Ibu Shinji, Kamio Akira, Echizen Ryoma, Ishida Tetsu, Uchimura Kyosuke, Tachibana Kippei, Oshitari Kenya
Prompt: 061: Winter
Word Count: 521
Rating: PG
Summary: All work and no play make for dull tennis boys.
Author's Notes: Shinji is 18 and in his senior year of high school in this.
Main table can be found
here and
Shinji poked at his textbook lazily, bored beyond belief. While he loved school and he loved studying, sometimes, there was just too much of it to deal with, and even with college entrance exams looming, he had reached that point.
Closing his textbook, Shinji let his gaze go to the window, watching the snowflakes drift lazily down from the sky. He wasn’t a fan of the cold by any means, and really, usually on a day like this, he’d be more than content to stay inside. But, for some reason, the snow was calling to him…and Shinji wasn’t going to resist it. Not when he knew exactly what he did want to do!
With a grin, Shinji leaned over and grabbed his cell from his bed and dialed a long-familiar number. “Hey, Aki…got any plans for today? No? Excellent….”
Kamio looked at his watch, shivering. Shinji was late, and he was the one that had wanted to meet at the street courts to begin with! “I swear, if he’s not here in five minutes, I’ll-mmmph!”
Suddenly finding himself with a mouth full of snow, Kamio spat and sputtered. “What the hell!?” A low chuckled reached his ears, and, looking around, he spotted a familiar dark head of hair…who was also forming a snowball in his hands. “Shinji! You bastard!” Grinning, Kamio scooped up a handful of his own snow…just to suddenly get pegged in the head.
Shinji’s eyes lit up a little. “Good one, Tetsu!”
“Bastards!” Kamio’s voice held no heat, though. “You both asked for it!”
The battle was long and snowy, the three friends eventually joined by the rest of their old team, An, Momoshiro, a reluctant Echizen, and, inexplicably, Oshitari Kenya, who had just been passing by on his way to his cousin’s when Uchimura’s shot aimed for Tachibana went wide. He wasn’t one to take that insult lying down.
Eventually, the party broke up, previous engagements taking their toll, and eventually, Shinji was left alone, staring up at the darkening sky. He felt the cold on his skin, but inside he was warm.
“You had fun, didn’t you?” Echizen came up beside Shinji.
Shinji looked over at his friend and nodded. “We’re all growing up so fast,” he said softly. “It was fun to forget about that for one afternoon, don’t you think?”
Echizen reached over and linked his fingers with Shinji’s. “You can’t stop life from continuing,” he said quietly. “But yeah, sometimes it is nice to pretend again that we have nothing to worry about.”
“Come spring, we’re all going to be going in different directions. College, jobs, you’ll be leaving to take the tennis world by storm.” Shinji shook his head. “Sometimes, Ryoma, I was I was thirteen again.”
Ryoma smirked. “I still have a scar from when you were thirteen.”
“Oh, shut up, Ryoma.”
“Make me.” Ryoma looked up at Shinji, the challenge clear in his eyes.
It was Shinji’s turn to smirk as he leaned in and captured Ryoma’s lips with his own.
The snow still fell around them, but, lost in Ryoma’s embrace, Shinji didn’t feel the cold.
--The End--