Title: To Rain in Hell
Fandom: The Dresden Files (tv-verse)
Characters: Bob, Mister
Prompt: 01. Rain
Word Count: 435
Rating: G
Summary: Oh the weather outside is frightful…
Disclaimer: The Dresden Files do not belong to me. Just passing through.
Here There be Ghosts It was raining.
Fifty-seven hours after the first fat drops had fallen from a leaden Chicago sky, it was raining still. The last few hardy souls to brave Nature's fury had long since given up their need to sally forth in favor of drier refuge. Now deserted, the streets were awash in a river of swirling water and modern detritus as if intent on sweeping the world clean of its inhabitants.
A pale visage against a darker background, Bob stood at the shop front window and watched the deluge beyond. Arms folded across his chest, the expression on his aristocratic features might have seemed one of indifference to any who might see him there. The restless drumming of slender fingers upon an impeccably tailored sleeve, however, spoke volumes of the ghost's true feelings.
Thunder rasped another throaty refrain, rattling the window frames. In unison, a jagged spear of lightning sketched black, boiling clouds in stark relief through the curtain of rain.
"Mwror?" A heavy thump accompanied the arrival of a large gray tomcat upon the wide window ledge.
Under normal circumstanced, ghost and feline would have resolutely ignored the existence of the other. In this instance, however, one thing united them both: Harry Dresden or, rather, the lack thereof.
"This is no natural tempest," said Bob, the sudden sound of his voice in the momentary silence almost startling. Sparing a glance for his companion, he said more softly, "He has been gone entirely too long."
The sound was heavy and sudden; a cross between a wet squelch and something soft trodden underfoot.
Mister lifted a paw, batting at the glass as another misshapen blob dropped from the sky to strike the paving on the other side.
Scowling, Bob leaned forward and through the window for a closer look. On the concrete beneath the window, an ugly travesty that might once have been a toad squirmed as it was washed away. Far worse, however, was Bob's realization that the driving rain that struck him was thick with something that was not entirely water. Slick and viscous, it oozed rather than fell through Bob's ectoplasm in a way that made the ghost actually shudder in revulsion.
With an audible sound of disgust, Bob quickly pulled back into the warded safety of the shop. Fortunately, the substance masquerading as rain was unable to slide through solid matter along with him.
"This cannot bode well," said Bob in characteristic understatement.
Mister agreed with a plaintive yowl.
Helpless to do more than watch and worry, they stood side by side in companionable concern and hoped for Harry's safe return.