Title: Fit to Be Tied
Fandom: The Dresden Files (tv-verse)
Characters: Bob, Harry
Prompt: 28. Twisted
Word Count: 317
Rating: G
Summary: Bob teaches Harry yet another valuable lesson in history and dress sense.
Disclaimer: The Dresden Files do not belong to me. Just passing through.
Here There be Ghosts Harry snarled at the image in the mirror. The reflected image dutifully growled back. Neither seemed to solve the dilemma at hand.
"Stars and stones! Whoever invented this damned thing should be drawn and quartered! If I ever get my hands on the guy--"
"You would not be the first person in history to lust for revenge," Bob assured him. "However, while the fantasy might afford you some small modicum of satisfaction, it still leaves you with the problem. If you would permit me?"
"I can fix my own damned tie, Bob. I've done it a hundred times."
"A gross exaggeration."
"Okay. Alright. A dozen times. At least." Harry glowered at the mirror then grumbled. "Maybe less."
"Considerably less. However, if you will refuse my assistance as virtual valet, perhaps a bow tie is in order. Tacky, true, but you need only clip it on."
"What?! I can't be seen at this shindig wearing a damned bow tie! Murph would shoot me! Hells bells, I might wrestle her gun away and shoot myself!" Harry threw his hands up in defeat. "Dammit! You win, okay? Show me how to tie the damned thing."
"Yes, alright! Again!"
"At last, the voice of reason." Bob smiled his satisfaction. "Might I suggest the half Windsor knot? It is a modest version of the Windsor knot and suited for any dress shirt-"
"I don't care what you call it, Bob. Just walk me through it. I don't have all night."
"Very well. Demonstration would seem to be the best approach. Do try to follow along." Bob reached up to pull his own burgundy tie free of his dress shirt. "Incidentally, the identity of the inventor of this ages old torture device should be readily apparent," he said with undisguised amusement. "It was, of course, a woman."
Harry snorted. "I'll bet it was her revenge for panty hose."
"Quite probably."