Title: LOL
Fandom: The Dresden Files (tv-verse)
Characters: Bob, Harry
Prompt: 40. Online
Word Count: 463
Rating: G
Summary: Harry becomes the victim of an insidious curse.
Disclaimer: The Dresden Files do not belong to me. Just passing through.
Notes: Idea inspired by
ja_bucc and much silliness at
Here There be Ghosts With a mournful shake of his head, Bob looked up from the faded text and said, "Unfortunately, we must rule this one out as well."
Frowning, Harry jabbed his index finger at the page title.
"Yes, I do realize the implications. On the surface, it appears to be precisely the remedy we have been searching for."
Harry looked a question at the ghost. So? What's the problem? it clearly said.
"It has a spoken element."
The index finger lifted from the page and pointed at Bob.
"Alas, no. The invocation is written in the first person. It must be read by the caster."
With a wordless cry of frustration, Harry snatched the tome from the table and hurled it across the room. It smacked the brick wall and fell onto a disordered heap of similarly dispatched books and scrolls.
"Was that entirely necessary? Some of those volumes are-"
The younger wizard glowered his response.
"Yes. Well. First things first, I suppose," Bob conceded. "Time enough to restore the library once the curse is dealt with." He indicated the next book on the worktable with a nod. As Harry opened it to the index page for Bob's perusal, the ghost continued conversationally, "You do realize, of course, that I will eventually need to know exactly how you came to be so afflicted. 'Online' is not a suitable explanation. The counter spell will require detail, such as the name of the one who laid the curse and--"
Harry pointed to himself and emphatically shook his head.
"Of course it must be you. Who better? You are the victim, after all."
Another emphatic shake of the head was underscored by lips pressed into a thin line.
"Come now. Surely it is safe enough to speak here. There is no one to ridicule you within the confines of your own home."
In response, Harry snatched up a dog-eared notepad and a pencil. He scribbled a hasty response and held it up like a sign. Seeing Bob's corresponding puzzled expression, he glanced down at what he'd written.
"AAAGGGHHH!!" Harry threw both pad and pencil to join the books on the other side of the room. He then turned to the ghost and exclaimed, "I noes kan cuz yoo'll maeks fun uv meh!"
"Because I'll … what? I'm sorry, I didn’t quite-"
"Maeks fun uv meh! Maeks fun uv meh ! I nows yoo, Bob! Yoo won't evah lemme foargetz dis! Nawt in a millyin yearz."
It took a moment for Bob to reason out what Harry had said - or, rather, tried to say.
"Of course I will not 'make fun' of you. Certainly not while you are so clearly traumatized," he replied with indignation. "I will wait until after we dispel the curse."