Title: Just Three Words are Never Quite That Simple
Fandom: Fairly Odd Parents
Characters: Anti-Cosmo, Anti-Wanda, Anti-Blonda
Prompt: 001 Love
Word Count: 1459
Rating: K+
Summary: Anti-Wanda was the first one to say it.
Disclaimer: I do not own Fairly Odd Parents
Notes: They need more fluff, what can I say?
Just Three Words are Never Quite That Simple
She had been the first one to say it. Of course she had. He found she used the word freely and without giving it much thought. Though if there was anything you could say about Anti-Wanda, it was that she was very good at giving things little thought. She was honest because she blurted out whatever was on her mind without thinking over what she was going to say. And so he’d heard her proclaim her love for various things, many times. Getting different explanations for why she did so, every time he asked. And he’d found that he always asked when she said that she loved something. He’d put it down as simple curiosity but he had to admit there might have been something else behind it as well.
And then she’d said she loved him.
It was a good thing that she hadn’t noticed him there at first, because when she said it he’d frozen in place and looked at her oddly. She hadn’t noticed, as it was for only a second and after that he’d managed to compose himself properly. They were in public after all and he didn’t want to give the Anti-Fairies they were with the satisfaction of seeing him shaken. Not that he should be, really. It hadn’t been that strange of a thing she’d said considering the situation they were in. They were married after all...
But still....
“Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
Anti-Wanda looked over at her husband, who at that moment looked rather startled. He’d been leaning on his desk, staring off into the distance again. He’d been doing that a lot since they came back from the Anti-Fairies general meeting. She wasn’t good at noticing things she supposed, but it was clear that something was bothering him. He was never this quiet.
“Oh...about the meeting I suppose.” He adjusted his monocle and looked over at her. “I’m sorry my dear, was there something you wanted?”
“I wanted ta’ know what you were think’n about.” Ah, blunt as ever, he smiled at this.
“Yes I suppose you did. And as I said a few seconds ago, I was thinking about the meeting. It was quite interesting.”
“Really?” Anti-Wanda looked confused. “But I heard you sayn’ that it was a borin’ waste o’ time?”
He blinked. He had, hadn’t he. Odd she remembered that.
“Well I suppose...” He wasn’t sure what he was trying to do. Find a way out of saying what he was actually thinking about? Well he should have been able to come up with a better lie then-
“You ain’t still mad at my sis are ya?”
And this time he was surprised.
“I say...what are you talking about? Why would I be-”
“’Cause she was talkn’ mean about you.” Anti-Wanda looked at him closely. “Don’t you remember?”
Ah. Yes....he did. But he’d been rather distracted by what his lovely wife had said after that to be properly angry....what had her sister said.....
The General meeting had finished off. The meeting was held once a month and was usually just an excuse for all the Anti-Fairies to get together and complain about things. Anti-Cosmo had realized a long time ago that these meetings were pointless but at the moment he wasn’t really in a position to ignore the mandatory nature of them. One day though....
His thoughts trailed off as he looked around. He was looking for Anti-Wanda, she said she was going to go and see her sister before they left and he was hoping that by now their visit was over. Anti-Blonda had made it clear she didn’t like the fact he’d married her sister. Mostly due to the fact that Anti-Wanda had no choice in the matter but to be quite fair, neither did he. It was their counterparts who had fallen in love. He was starting to think he’d gotten lucky with his assigned wife though. He’d become rather...fond of her.
“I’m just saying I’m worried that’s all.”
“But why sis? I tolds yah-”
Ah, there she was. He turned and saw that she was still talking with her sister. He tried not to sigh and then started to fly over. They didn’t seem to notice him.
Anti-Wanda was looking at her sister in confusion. A common expression for her face.
Her sister sighed.
“Anti-Wanda, listen to me for just this once, please! I’m just reminding you to be careful. You know the stories about him. They say his temper is horrible and that he’ll turn people into things for looking at him strange.”
“But he-”
“And that he’s more likely to set your house on fire then laugh at a joke”
“I know you’ve been married for almost a year now but sis. You can’t trust an Anti-Fairy like that! Who knows what he might do to you if you let your guard down...”
It was at this time that Anti-Cosmo was just about to cough, making them aware that he was right next to them. However he didn’t get the chance to as Anti-Wanda finally managed to get a word in.
“But sis, that ain’t true! And anyhow I don’t hate him, I love him!”
“Anti-Cossie....” He shook his head as Anti-Wanda was waving her hand in front of his face. “Hello? You still in there?”
“Ah...yes, yes. I’m fine.” He replied trying to shake away the odd feeling. “Just thinking....”
“So yur not mad at my sister?”
There was a pause as he thought for a moment. Her sisters fears were quite understandable, he’d worked quite hard to get his reputation as an Anti-Fairy not to be trifled with. However it did seem to have some drawbacks that he hadn’t foreseen. He shook his head.
“No my dear, I’m not-”
He was cut off as Anti-Wanda grinned and then grabbed him into a hug.
“I’m so glad. I’d be offly sad if you were mad at my sis.”
“Ah...yes...of course.” There were very few times that Anti-Cosmo was at a loss for words. It seems that surprise displays of affection were one of those times.
“So what we’re you think’n about then?” Anti-Wanda was still smiling as she let him go and he had to remind himself what she was talking about.
“What...oh yes....no that was nothing. Just thoughts...on things.” His lies were pathetic today it seemed. It was most likely because there was something he’d like to ask her...
“Really ‘cause you looked really strange like.”
“I do?”
“Yeah. I mean yah always look like your thinkn’ but you didn’t even hear me before.”
“Oh well.,..” He sighed and then took off his monocle to polish it. There was no sense beating around the bush was there? “Why did you say that?”
“Say what?”
“Say you loved me.” It felt odd saying it out loud, and Anti-Cosmo wasn’t sure that perhaps his cheeks weren’t tinged a bit darker at the moment either. He did his best to ignore this.
“Huh?” Anti-Wanda looked confused again and for a moment he’d thought she’d forgotten about it. Then she suddenly seemed to remember.
“Oh that? Oh, I said that ‘cause it’s true!”
“It’s true...”
“Yup.” Anti-Wanda grinned at her now clearly astonished husband. “Why else would I say it?”
“I haven’t the foggiest.” He replied faintly.
“Is that what you were thinkin’ about?” She looked suddenly nervous. “I didn’t make yuh mad did I?”
“’Cause you were lookn’ real serious an-”
Anti-Cosmo put his hand on her shoulder.
“I’m not mad at you Anti-Wanda.”
Her face lit up and he wondered for a brief moment if anyone else was aware of how beautiful Anti-Wanda looked when she smiled like that. His gaze was interrupted as Anti-Wanda hugged him again and he froze as she leaned against him, her chin on his shoulder
“I’m glad yur not. Cau’se I do luv yah.”
“I’m quite glad as well.” Was the only response he could think of at the moment and after she moved away again he realized that he wished she hadn’t. But she was still smiling at him and for a moment he paused. Wasn’t he supposed to say something now? He wasn’t sure how these things worked....
“I suppose it would be a fair assessment to say that I...also love you. That is to say-”
He trailed off, inwardly cursing his own tongue for betraying him at the moment. However as he rubbed his hands together in what he dreaded looked like the imitation of an awkward school boy, Anti-Wanda leaned up and gave him a kiss on the check.
“Aw, you just say the sweetest things.”
She might have been the first one to say it but after that, she certainly wasn’t going to be the only one.