Title: Fading Part: 1 of 2
Fandom: Fairly Odd Parents
Characters: Anti-Cosmo, Anti-Wanda, Anti-Blonda, Cosmo, Wanda
Prompt: #011 Death
Word Count: 793
Rating: T
Summary: There was plenty of research done on the connection between fairies and their counterparts. Somehow though they missed an important part. What happens to a counterpart when one of them dies?
Disclaimer: I don’t own this show. If I did there would be more fluff between Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda
Notes: This is going on the whole fairies are immortals bit. Dark fic and obvious AU.
It was a well known fact that every fairy had an anti-fairy that was their exact opposite in mannerisms and personality. They knew that when the fairy fell in love their counterpart would generally fall in love with the counterpart of that fairy’s love. They knew that when the fairies had a fairy child another child would be created as its counterpart. Anti-fairies could not really have children of their own. They were created out of the excess baby magic of their fairy counterpart. All this was well known after many, many years of research and study on the connection between fairy and anti-fairy. There was one thing though.
No one had ever stopped to wonder what would happen to an anti-fairy if its fairy died. There was a very simple reason for the lack of research though. Fairies were immortal, they didn’t die. What was the point of looking into something that was impossible?
Then....well then things went a little wrong. No one knew how it happened, but one day something terrible happened in fairy world that would have long reaching consequences.
“Anti-Cossie are you alright?”
Anti-Cosmo moved his head off the book spread on the table and glanced over at his wife.
“Just a bit sleepy my dear.”
“Then why don’t ya sleep?”
He smiled at this and closed the book carefully to the side. “I suppose I lost track of time.”
“Really, cause I haven’t seen it around here. Maybe Anti-Poof’s got it. Always told that boy not to eat things he finds on the table.”
And this time he did chuckle. “Not quite what I meant my sweet, but it doesn’t matter, I-”
He stopped short and titled his head to the side. “Anti-Wanda.....you seem to be glowing.”
She blinked and looked down. “I am?”
“Yes. Yes you are.” He was suddenly wide awake now and cleaning his monocle as he looked closely at the glow around Anti-Wanda. It was a faded pink colour.
“Are you alright? You don’t feel odd do you?”
She shook her head, looking startled. “Nope.”
“This can’t be normal though....” He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Could you call your sister to come and look after Anti-Poof for tonight?”
“Uh yeah....but why?”
“I think we need to pay someone a visit.”
It took a little while for Anti-Blonda to show up and by that time Anti-Cosmo was even more worried. There was something very wrong with Anti-Wanda. She seemed to be fading, if that was at all possible. He wasn’t sure what was going on but if something was happening to her then it was quite likely that something was happening to her counterpart as well.
“Sis!” Anti-Blonda grabbed her sisters faint arms and looked horrified. “Are you okay? Oh goodness you look horrible!”
“Nah, I’m fine.” Anti-Wanda waved a hand.
“I’ll stay with Anti-Poof.” Anti-Blonda replied looking over at Anti-Cosmo. “Please get her some help.”
He nodded and they were gone before Anti-Wanda could even ask, help with what?
He poofed them to where their counterparts were. Or at least where here’s was, though he had no doubt that where his wife’s counterpart was, his own idiotic counterpart wouldn’t be far behind.
He wasn’t too happy to find them in the middle of a crowded hospital room. One that contained Jorgon von Strangle no less. However his attention was soon caught by something else. His counterpart....was crying? Well that wasn’t exactly new but there was something about this.
He kept a firm grip on his wife who was looking around the room trying to figure out where they were no doubt. He didn’t like the fact that his grip on her seemed to come and go as though anymoment he might be left holding air.
He finally managed to get through the room and grab the arm of his counterpart and pull him over to a secluded counterpart.
“What the bloody hell is going on?” He hissed trying to get the fairies attention as Anti-Wanda faded more and more. He should be getting a doctor but he had a gut feeling that his counter part was the one with his answers. And at the moment all the doctors in the room were surrounding Jorgen.
“An..ti- Cosmo? What are you doing here?” Cosmo suddenly blinked into coherence, most likely because he’d just been slapped on the check.
“My wife is vanishing and I want to know why!”
Cosmo’s gaze suddenly dropped to his feet and all of a sudden Anti-Cosmo knew. He knew what was going on. What was hidden behind the wall of panicking fairy doctors, why Jorgen von Strangle was in the room at all. But most of all he knew why Anti-Wanda was fading it was because-
“Wanda’s dead”